/* This file is part of Lemma, a geophysical modelling and inversion API. * More information is available at http://lemmasoftware.org */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * @file * @date 11/11/2016 01:47:25 PM * @author Trevor Irons (ti) * @email tirons@egi.utah.edu * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, University of Utah * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, Lemma Software, LLC * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, Colorado School of Mines */ #include "KernelV0.h" #include "FieldPoints.h" namespace Lemma { // ==================== FRIEND METHODS ===================== std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &stream, const KernelV0 &ob) { stream << ob.Serialize() << "\n---\n"; // End of doc --- return stream; } // ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================= //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: KernelV0 // Method: KernelV0 // Description: constructor (locked) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KernelV0::KernelV0 (const ctor_key&) : LemmaObject( ) { } // ----- end of method KernelV0::KernelV0 (constructor) ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: KernelV0 // Method: KernelV0 // Description: DeSerializing constructor (locked) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KernelV0::KernelV0 (const YAML::Node& node, const ctor_key&) : LemmaObject(node) { //node["PulseType"] = "FID"; Larmor = node["Larmor"].as(); Temperature = node["Temperature"].as(); tol = node["tol"].as(); minLevel = node["minLevel"].as(); maxLevel = node["maxLevel"].as(); Taup = node["Taup"].as(); PulseI = node["PulseI"].as(); Interfaces = node["Interfaces"].as(); Size = node["IntegrationSize"].as(); Origin = node["IntegrationOrigin"].as(); if (node["SigmaModel"]) { if (node["SigmaModel"].Tag() == "LayeredEarthEM") { SigmaModel = LayeredEarthEM::DeSerialize(node["SigmaModel"]); } else { SigmaModel = LayeredEarthEM::DeSerialize( YAML::LoadFile( node["SigmaModel"].as() )); } } if (node["Coils"]) { for ( auto coil : node["Coils"] ) { if ( coil.second.Tag() == "PolygonalWireAntenna" ) { TxRx[ coil.first.as() ] = PolygonalWireAntenna::DeSerialize( coil.second ); } else { TxRx[ coil.first.as() ] = PolygonalWireAntenna::DeSerialize( YAML::LoadFile(coil.second.as()) ); } } } } // ----- end of method KernelV0::KernelV0 (constructor) ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: KernelV0 // Method: NewSP() // Description: public constructor returing a shared_ptr //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::shared_ptr< KernelV0 > KernelV0::NewSP() { return std::make_shared< KernelV0 >( ctor_key() ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: KernelV0 // Method: ~KernelV0 // Description: destructor (protected) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KernelV0::~KernelV0 () { } // ----- end of method KernelV0::~KernelV0 (destructor) ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: KernelV0 // Method: Serialize //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YAML::Node KernelV0::Serialize ( ) const { YAML::Node node = LemmaObject::Serialize(); node.SetTag( GetName() ); // Coils Transmitters & Receivers if (!TxRx.empty()) { for ( auto txm : TxRx) { node["Coils"][txm.first] = txm.second->Serialize(); } } // LayeredEarthEM if (SigmaModel != nullptr) { node["SigmaModel"] = SigmaModel->Serialize(); } node["PulseType"] = "FID"; node["Larmor"] = Larmor; node["Temperature"] = Temperature; node["tol"] = tol; node["minLevel"] = minLevel; node["maxLevel"] = maxLevel; node["Taup"] = Taup; node["PulseI"] = PulseI; node["Interfaces"] = Interfaces; node["IntegrationSize"] = Size; node["IntegrationOrigin"] = Origin; if (Kern.array().abs().any() > 1e-16) { for ( int ilay=0; ilay(Kern.row(ilay)); } } return node; } // ----- end of method KernelV0::Serialize ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: KernelV0 // Method: DeSerialize //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::shared_ptr KernelV0::DeSerialize ( const YAML::Node& node ) { if (node.Tag() != "KernelV0" ) { throw DeSerializeTypeMismatch( "KernelV0", node.Tag()); } return std::make_shared< KernelV0 > ( node, ctor_key() ); } // ----- end of method KernelV0::DeSerialize ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: KernelV0 // Method: AlignWithAkvoDataset //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KernelV0::AlignWithAkvoDataset( const YAML::Node& node ) { if (node["processed"].as().substr(0,4) == "Akvo") { std::cout << "Akvo file read\n"; std::cout << node["processed"] << std::endl; } if (node["pulseType"].as() == "FID") { PulseI = node["Pulse 1"]["current"].as(); this->SetPulseDuration( node["pulseLength"].as() ); } else { std::cerr << "Pulse Type " << node["PulseType"] << "is not supported\n"; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: KernelV0 // Method: DeSerialize //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KernelV0::CalculateK0 (const std::vector< std::string>& Tx, const std::vector& Rx, bool vtkOutput ) { // Set up Larmor = SigmaModel->GetMagneticFieldMagnitude()*GAMMA; // in rad 2246.*2.*PI; // All EM calculations will share same field points cpoints = FieldPoints::NewSP(); cpoints->SetNumberOfPoints(8); for (auto tx : Tx) { // Set up EMEarth EMEarths[tx] = EMEarth1D::NewSP(); EMEarths[tx]->AttachWireAntenna(TxRx[tx]); EMEarths[tx]->AttachLayeredEarthEM(SigmaModel); EMEarths[tx]->AttachFieldPoints( cpoints ); EMEarths[tx]->SetFieldsToCalculate(H); // TODO query for method, altough with flat antennae, this is fastest //EMEarths[tx]->SetHankelTransformMethod(FHTKEY201); EMEarths[tx]->SetHankelTransformMethod(ANDERSON801); EMEarths[tx]->SetTxRxMode(TX); TxRx[tx]->SetCurrent(1.); } for (auto rx : Rx) { if (EMEarths.count(rx)) { EMEarths[rx]->SetTxRxMode(TXRX); } else { EMEarths[rx] = EMEarth1D::NewSP(); EMEarths[rx]->AttachWireAntenna(TxRx[rx]); EMEarths[rx]->AttachLayeredEarthEM(SigmaModel); EMEarths[rx]->AttachFieldPoints( cpoints ); EMEarths[rx]->SetFieldsToCalculate(H); // TODO query for method, altough with flat antennae, this is fastest //EMEarths[rx]->SetHankelTransformMethod(FHTKEY201); EMEarths[rx]->SetHankelTransformMethod(ANDERSON801); EMEarths[rx]->SetTxRxMode(RX); TxRx[rx]->SetCurrent(1.); } } std::cout << "Calculating K0 kernel\n"; Kern = MatrixXcr::Zero( Interfaces.size()-1, PulseI.size() ); for (ilay=0; ilaySetDimension(3); oct->SetOrigin( Origin(0), Origin(1), Origin(2) ); oct->SetSize( Size(0), Size(1), Size(2) ); vtkHyperOctreeCursor* curse = oct->NewCellCursor(); curse->ToRoot(); EvaluateKids2( Size, 0, cpos, VectorXcr::Ones(PulseI.size()), oct, curse ); for (int iq=0; iqSetNumberOfComponents(1); kr->SetName("Re($\\mathcal{K}_0$)"); kr->SetNumberOfTuples( oct->GetNumberOfLeaves() ); vtkDoubleArray* ki = vtkDoubleArray::New(); ki->SetNumberOfComponents(1); ki->SetName("Im($\\mathcal{K}_0$)"); ki->SetNumberOfTuples( oct->GetNumberOfLeaves() ); vtkDoubleArray* km = vtkDoubleArray::New(); km->SetNumberOfComponents(1); km->SetName("mod($\\mathcal{K}_0$)"); km->SetNumberOfTuples( oct->GetNumberOfLeaves() ); vtkIntArray* kid = vtkIntArray::New(); kid->SetNumberOfComponents(1); kid->SetName("ID"); kid->SetNumberOfTuples( oct->GetNumberOfLeaves() ); vtkIntArray* kerr = vtkIntArray::New(); kerr->SetNumberOfComponents(1); kerr->SetName("err"); kerr->SetNumberOfTuples( oct->GetNumberOfLeaves() ); // Ht field vtkDoubleArray* htr = vtkDoubleArray::New(); htr->SetNumberOfComponents(3); htr->SetName("Re($\\mathbf{\\mathcal{H}}_T$)"); htr->SetNumberOfTuples( oct->GetNumberOfLeaves() ); vtkDoubleArray* hti = vtkDoubleArray::New(); hti->SetNumberOfComponents(3); hti->SetName("Im($\\mathbf{\\mathcal{H}}_T$)"); hti->SetNumberOfTuples( oct->GetNumberOfLeaves() ); // Hr field vtkDoubleArray* hrr = vtkDoubleArray::New(); hrr->SetNumberOfComponents(3); hrr->SetName("Re($\\mathbf{\\mathcal{H}}_R$)"); hrr->SetNumberOfTuples( oct->GetNumberOfLeaves() ); vtkDoubleArray* hri = vtkDoubleArray::New(); hri->SetNumberOfComponents(3); hri->SetName("Im($\\mathbf{\\mathcal{H}}_R$)"); hri->SetNumberOfTuples( oct->GetNumberOfLeaves() ); //Real LeafVol(0); for (auto leaf : LeafDict) { kr->InsertTuple1( leaf.first, std::real(leaf.second(iq)) ); ki->InsertTuple1( leaf.first, std::imag(leaf.second(iq)) ); km->InsertTuple1( leaf.first, std::abs(leaf.second(iq)) ); kid->InsertTuple1( leaf.first, leaf.first ); //LeafVol += std::real(leaf.second); } for (auto leaf : LeafHt ) { htr->InsertTuple( leaf.first, leaf.second.real().data() ); hti->InsertTuple( leaf.first, leaf.second.imag().data() ); } for (auto leaf : LeafHr ) { hrr->InsertTuple( leaf.first, leaf.second.real().data() ); hri->InsertTuple( leaf.first, leaf.second.imag().data() ); } for (auto leaf : LeafDictIdx) { kerr->InsertTuple1( leaf.first, leaf.second ); } auto kri = oct->GetLeafData()->AddArray(kr); auto kii = oct->GetLeafData()->AddArray(ki); auto kmi = oct->GetLeafData()->AddArray(km); auto kidi = oct->GetLeafData()->AddArray(kid); auto keri = oct->GetLeafData()->AddArray(kerr); auto khtr = oct->GetLeafData()->AddArray(htr); auto khti = oct->GetLeafData()->AddArray(hti); auto khrr = oct->GetLeafData()->AddArray(hrr); auto khri = oct->GetLeafData()->AddArray(hri); auto write = vtkXMLHyperOctreeWriter::New(); //write.SetDataModeToAscii() write->SetInputData(oct); std::string fname = std::string("octree-") + to_string(ilay) + std::string("-") + to_string(iq) + std::string(".vto"); write->SetFileName(fname.c_str()); write->Write(); write->Delete(); oct->GetLeafData()->RemoveArray( kri ); oct->GetLeafData()->RemoveArray( kii ); oct->GetLeafData()->RemoveArray( kmi ); oct->GetLeafData()->RemoveArray( kidi ); oct->GetLeafData()->RemoveArray( keri ); oct->GetLeafData()->RemoveArray( khtr ); oct->GetLeafData()->RemoveArray( khti ); oct->GetLeafData()->RemoveArray( khrr ); oct->GetLeafData()->RemoveArray( khri ); kerr->Delete(); kid->Delete(); kr->Delete(); ki->Delete(); km->Delete(); htr->Delete(); hti->Delete(); hrr->Delete(); hri->Delete(); } curse->Delete(); oct->Delete(); #else throw std::runtime_error("IntegrateOnOctreeGrid with vtkOutput requires Lemma with VTK support"); #endif } std::cout << "\nVOLSUM=" << VOLSUM << "\tActual=" << Size(0)*Size(1)*Size(2) << "\tDifference=" << VOLSUM - (Size(0)*Size(1)*Size(2)) << std::endl; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: KernelV0 // Method: f //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VectorXcr KernelV0::f( const Vector3r& r, const Real& volume, const Vector3cr& Ht, const Vector3cr& Hr ) { // Compute the elliptic fields Vector3r B0hat = SigmaModel->GetMagneticFieldUnitVector(); Vector3r B0 = SigmaModel->GetMagneticField(); // Elliptic representation EllipticB EBT = EllipticFieldRep(MU0*Ht, B0hat); EllipticB EBR = EllipticFieldRep(MU0*Hr, B0hat); // Compute Mn0 Vector3r Mn0 = ComputeMn0(1.0, B0); Real Mn0Abs = Mn0.norm(); //std::cout << "Mn0\t" << Mn0.transpose() << std::endl; // Compute phase delay // TODO add transmiiter current phase and delay induced apparent time phase! Complex PhaseTerm = EBR.bhat.dot(EBT.bhat) + Complex(0, (B0hat.dot(EBR.bhat.cross(EBT.bhat)))); Complex ejztr = std::exp(Complex(0, EBR.zeta + EBT.zeta)); // Calcuate vector of all responses VectorXcr F = VectorXcr::Zero( PulseI.size() ); for (int iq=0; iqGetMagneticFieldUnitVector(); // Complex ejztr = std::exp(Complex(0, EBR.zeta + EBT.zeta)); // Complex PhaseTerm = EBR.bhat.dot(EBT.bhat) + (B0hat.dot(EBR.bhat.cross(EBT.bhat) )); // return -vol*Complex(0,Larmor)*Mn0Abs*(EBR.alpha+EBR.beta)*ejztr*sintheta*PhaseTerm; // } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: KernelV0 // Method: ComputeV0Cell //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector3r KernelV0::ComputeMn0(const Real& Porosity, const Vector3r& B0) { Real chi_n = NH2O*((GAMMA*GAMMA*HBAR*HBAR)/(4.*KB*Temperature)); return chi_n*Porosity*B0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: KernelV0 // Method: ComputeV0Cell //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EllipticB KernelV0::EllipticFieldRep (const Vector3cr& B, const Vector3r& B0hat) { // This all follows Weichman et al., 2000. // There are some numerical stability issues that arise when the two terms in the beta // formulation are nearly equivalent. The current formulation will result in a null-valued // beta, or can underflow. However, this does not entirely recreate the true value of B perp. // Error is checked to be below 1%, but reformulating for numeric stability may be welcome EllipticB ElipB = EllipticB(); Vector3cr Bperp = B - B0hat.dot(B)*B0hat; Real BperpNorm = Bperp.norm(); // These two are equivalent //Complex Bp2 = Bperp.transpose() * Bperp; Complex Bp2 = Bperp.conjugate().dot(Bperp); VectorXcr iB0 = Complex(0,1)*B0hat.cast().array(); ElipB.eizt = std::sqrt(Bp2 / std::abs(Bp2)); ElipB.alpha = INVSQRT2*std::sqrt(BperpNorm*BperpNorm + std::abs(Bp2)); //ElipB.beta = std::copysign(1, std::real(iB0.dot( Bperp.cross(Bperp.conjugate())) )) * ElipB.beta = sgn( std::real(iB0.dot( Bperp.cross(Bperp.conjugate())) )) * (INVSQRT2*std::sqrt(BperpNorm*BperpNorm - std::abs(Bp2))); // Correct underflow in beta calculation // could use cerrno instead... // http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/math/sqrt if (ElipB.beta != ElipB.beta) ElipB.beta = 0; ElipB.bhat = ((Real)1./ElipB.alpha)*(((Real)1./ElipB.eizt)*Bperp.array()).real().array(); ElipB.bhatp = B0hat.cross(ElipB.bhat); ElipB.zeta = std::real(std::log(ElipB.eizt)/Complex(0,1)); /* as an error check decomposed field - computed actual */ // Vector3cr Bperp2 = ElipB.eizt * (ElipB.alpha * ElipB.bhat // + (Complex(0,1) * ElipB.beta * ElipB.bhatp) ); // ElipB.err = (Bperp-Bperp2).norm(); // if (ElipB.err > .01*Bperp.norm() ) { // 1% error // std::cout << "Elip error\n"; // Real Beta2 = sgn( std::real(iB0.dot( Bperp.cross(Bperp.conjugate())) )) * // (INVSQRT2*std::sqrt(BperpNorm*BperpNorm - std::abs(Bp2))); // Vector3cr Bperp3 = ElipB.eizt * (ElipB.alpha * ElipB.bhat // + (Complex(0,1) * Beta2 * ElipB.bhatp) ); // std::cout << "Beta term0\t" << (INVSQRT2*std::sqrt(BperpNorm*BperpNorm - std::abs(Bp2))) << std::endl; // std::cout << "Beta term1\t" << BperpNorm*BperpNorm << "\t" << std::abs(Bp2) << std::endl; // std::cout << "Beta \t" << ElipB.beta << std::endl; // std::cout << "Beta2 \t" << Beta2 << std::endl; // std::cout << "Bperp \t" << Bperp.transpose() << std::endl; // std::cout << "Bperp2\t" << Bperp2.transpose() << std::endl; // std::cout << "Bperp3\t" << Bperp3.transpose() << std::endl; // std::cout << "err \t" << ElipB.err << std::endl; // } return ElipB; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: KernelV0 // Method: EvaluateKids //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KernelV0::EvaluateKids( const Vector3r& size, const int& level, const Vector3r& cpos, const VectorXcr& parentVal ) { std::cout << "\r" << (int)(1e2*VOLSUM/(Size[0]*Size[1]*Size[2])) << "\t" << nleaves; //std::cout.flush(); // Next level step, interested in one level below // bitshift requires one extra, faster than, and equivalent to std::pow(2, level+1) Vector3r step = size.array() / (Real)(1 << (level+1) ); Real vol = (step(0)*step(1)*step(2)); // volume of each child Vector3r pos = cpos - step/2.; Eigen::Matrix posadd = (Eigen::Matrix() << 0, 0, 0, step[0], 0, 0, 0, step[1], 0, step[0], step[1], 0, 0, 0, step[2], step[0], 0, step[2], 0, step[1], step[2], step[0], step[1], step[2] ).finished(); cpoints->ClearFields(); for (int ichild=0; ichild<8; ++ichild) { Vector3r cp = pos; // Eigen complains about combining these cp += posadd.row(ichild); cpoints->SetLocation( ichild, cp ); } Eigen::Matrix Ht = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(); Eigen::Matrix Hr = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(); for ( auto EMCalc : EMEarths ) { EMCalc.second->GetFieldPoints()->ClearFields(); EMCalc.second->CalculateWireAntennaFields(); switch (EMCalc.second->GetTxRxMode()) { case TX: Ht += EMCalc.second->GetFieldPoints()->GetHfield(0); break; case RX: Hr += EMCalc.second->GetFieldPoints()->GetHfield(0); break; case TXRX: Ht += EMCalc.second->GetFieldPoints()->GetHfield(0); Hr += EMCalc.second->GetFieldPoints()->GetHfield(0); break; default: break; } } MatrixXcr kvals(8, PulseI.size()); // individual kernel vals for (int ichild=0; ichild<8; ++ichild) { Vector3r cp = pos; // Eigen complains about combining these cp += posadd.row(ichild); kvals.row(ichild) = f(cp, vol, Ht.col(ichild), Hr.col(ichild)); } VectorXcr ksum = kvals.colwise().sum(); // Kernel sum // Evaluate whether or not furthur splitting is needed if ( (((ksum - parentVal).array().abs() > tol).any() && level posadd = (Eigen::Matrix() << 0, 0, 0, step[0], 0, 0, 0, step[1], 0, step[0], step[1], 0, 0, 0, step[2], step[0], 0, step[2], 0, step[1], step[2], step[0], step[1], step[2] ).finished(); MatrixXcr kvals(8, PulseI.size()); // individual kernel vals cpoints->ClearFields(); for (int ichild=0; ichild<8; ++ichild) { Vector3r cp = pos; // Eigen complains about combining these cp += posadd.row(ichild); cpoints->SetLocation( ichild, cp ); } Eigen::Matrix Ht = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(); Eigen::Matrix Hr = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(); for ( auto EMCalc : EMEarths ) { //EMCalc->GetFieldPoints()->ClearFields(); EMCalc.second->CalculateWireAntennaFields(); switch (EMCalc.second->GetTxRxMode()) { case TX: Ht += EMCalc.second->GetFieldPoints()->GetHfield(0); break; case RX: Hr += EMCalc.second->GetFieldPoints()->GetHfield(0); break; case TXRX: Ht += EMCalc.second->GetFieldPoints()->GetHfield(0); Hr += EMCalc.second->GetFieldPoints()->GetHfield(0); break; default: break; } } for (int ichild=0; ichild<8; ++ichild) { Vector3r cp = pos; // Eigen complains about combining these cp += posadd.row(ichild); kvals.row(ichild) = f(cp, vol, Ht.col(ichild), Hr.col(ichild)); } VectorXcr ksum = kvals.colwise().sum(); // Kernel sum // Evaluate whether or not furthur splitting is needed if ( (((ksum - parentVal).array().abs() > tol).any() && levelSubdivideLeaf(curse); for (int ichild=0; ichild<8; ++ichild) { curse->ToChild(ichild); Vector3r cp = pos; // Eigen complains about combining these cp += posadd.row(ichild); /* Test for position via alternative means */ /* Real p[3]; GetPosition(curse, p); if ( (Vector3r(p) - cp).norm() > 1e-8 ) { std::cout << "ERROR @ nleaves" << nleaves << "\n" << cp[0] << "\t" << p[0] << "\t" << cp[1] << "\t" << p[1] << "\t" << cp[2] << "\t" << p[2] << "\t" << vol<< std::endl; throw std::runtime_error("doom"); } */ /* End of position test */ EvaluateKids2( size, level+1, cp, kvals.row(ichild), oct, curse ); curse->ToParent(); } return; // not a leaf } /* just stuff with sum of the kids and don't subdivide */ /* LeafDict[curse->GetLeafId()] = ksum/(8.*vol); LeafDictIdx[curse->GetLeafId()] = nleaves; */ /* Alternatively, subdivide the VTK octree here and stuff the children to make better * visuals, but also 8x the storage... */ oct->SubdivideLeaf(curse); for (int ichild=0; ichild<8; ++ichild) { curse->ToChild(ichild); LeafDict[curse->GetLeafId()] = ksum/(8.*vol); LeafHt[curse->GetLeafId()] = Ht.col(ichild); LeafHr[curse->GetLeafId()] = Hr.col(ichild); LeafDictIdx[curse->GetLeafId()] = nleaves; curse->ToParent(); } Kern.row(ilay) += ksum; VOLSUM += 8*vol; nleaves += 8; // good reason to say 1 or 8 here...8 sounds better and reflects kernel evaluations return; // is a leaf } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: KernelV0 // Method: GetPosition //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KernelV0::GetPosition( vtkHyperOctreeCursor* Cursor, Real* p ) { Real ratio=1.0/(1<<(Cursor->GetCurrentLevel())); //step = ((Size).array() / std::pow(2.,Cursor->GetCurrentLevel())); p[0]=(Cursor->GetIndex(0)+.5)*ratio*this->Size[0]+this->Origin[0] ;//+ .5*step[0]; p[1]=(Cursor->GetIndex(1)+.5)*ratio*this->Size[1]+this->Origin[1] ;//+ .5*step[1]; p[2]=(Cursor->GetIndex(2)+.5)*ratio*this->Size[2]+this->Origin[2] ;//+ .5*step[2]; } #endif } // ---- end of namespace Lemma ---- /* vim: set tabstop=4 expandtab */ /* vim: set filetype=cpp */