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  1. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  2. import numpy as np
  3. from collections import defaultdict
  4. import cpuinfo # pip install py-cpuinfo
  5. light_grey = np.array([float(225)/float(255)]*3)
  6. def fixLeg(legend):
  7. rect = legend.get_frame()
  8. #rect.set_color('None')
  9. rect.set_facecolor(light_grey)
  10. rect.set_linewidth(0.0)
  11. rect.set_alpha(1.0)
  12. def deSpine(ax1):
  13. spines_to_remove = ['top', 'right']
  14. for spine in spines_to_remove:
  15. ax1.spines[spine].set_visible(False)
  16. #ax1.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none')
  17. #ax1.yaxis.set_ticks_position('none')
  18. ax1.get_xaxis().tick_bottom()
  19. ax1.get_yaxis().tick_left()
  20. timings = np.recfromtxt(r"timings.csv", delimiter=r",", encoding=None)
  21. BENCH = {} # defaultdict(str)
  22. for i,line in enumerate(timings):
  23. # check if compiler has been added already
  24. if line[0].strip() in BENCH:
  25. pass
  26. else:
  27. BENCH[line[0].strip()] = {}
  28. print(line[1])
  29. BENCH[line[0].strip()]["version"] = line[1].strip()
  30. # check to see if Hankel has been added already
  31. if line[4].strip() in BENCH[line[0].strip()]:
  32. pass
  33. else:
  34. BENCH[line[0].strip()][line[4].strip()] = {}
  35. BENCH[line[0].strip()][line[4].strip()]["NP"] = []
  36. BENCH[line[0].strip()][line[4].strip()]["Time"] = []
  37. BENCH[line[0].strip()][line[4].strip()]["NP"].append( line[5] )
  38. BENCH[line[0].strip()][line[4].strip()]["Time"].append( line[6] )
  39. #print (BENCH)
  40. fig = plt.figure()
  41. for compiler in BENCH:
  42. print (compiler)
  43. for hankel in BENCH[compiler]:
  44. if hankel != "version":
  45. plt.plot(BENCH[compiler][hankel]["NP"], BENCH[compiler][hankel]["Time"], ".-", label=str(hankel))
  46. plt.gca().set_yscale('log')
  47. plt.gca().set_title( str(compiler) + " " + str(BENCH[compiler]["version"]) )
  48. #plt.suptitle( cpuinfo.get_cpu_info()['brand'] )
  49. leg = plt.legend()
  50. deSpine(plt.gca())
  51. fixLeg(leg)
  52. plt.gca().set_xlabel("OMP_NUM_THREADS")
  53. plt.gca().set_ylabel("execution time (s)")
  54. plt.savefig("timings.png")