/* This file is part of Lemma, a geophysical modelling and inversion API. * More information is available at http://lemmasoftware.org */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * @file * @date 10/02/2014 02:49:55 PM * @version $Id$ * @author Trevor Irons (ti) * @email Trevor.Irons@xri-geo.com * @copyright Copyright (c) 2017, University of Utah * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014, XRI Geophysics, LLC * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014, Trevor Irons */ #pragma once #ifndef HELPER_INC #define HELPER_INC #include "lemma.h" #include "yaml-cpp/yaml.h" namespace Lemma { /** \addtogroup LemmaCore * @{ */ /** * Convenience function for string conversion * @param[in] t input value to be converted to string * @return string representation of input value */ template <class T> inline std::string to_string (const T& t) { std::stringstream ss; ss << t; return ss.str(); } /// convert enums to string saves repeated code useful for YAML serializing std::string enum2String(const FREQUENCYUNITS& Units); /// convert enums to string saves repeated code useful for YAML serializing std::string enum2String(const TIMEUNITS& Units); /// convert enums to string saves repeated code useful for YAML serializing std::string enum2String(const MAGUNITS& Units); /// convert enums to string saves repeated code useful for YAML serializing std::string enum2String(const TEMPUNITS& Units); /// convert enums to string saves repeated code useful for YAML serializing std::string enum2String(const FEMCOILORIENTATION& Units); /// convert enums to string saves repeated code useful for YAML serializing std::string enum2String(const ORIENTATION& Units); /// convert enums to string saves repeated code useful for YAML serializing std::string enum2String(const FIELDCOMPONENT& Comp); /// convert enums to string saves repeated code useful for YAML serializing std::string enum2String(const HANKELTRANSFORMTYPE& Htype); /// convert enums to string saves repeated code useful for YAML serializing std::string enum2String(const FIELDCALCULATIONS& Htype); /// convert enums to string saves repeated code useful for YAML serializing std::string enum2String(const WINDOWTYPE& Wtype); // other way around is a template, where template argument lets us know // which specialisation to use. template <typename T> T string2Enum( const std::string& str ); // Handy little class that indents a stream. // Based on solution provided here, todo may need to add to some managing class which keeps // track of nesting levels? But perhaps not. A Lemma class will contain pointers to other Lemma // classes. But those are not specifically listed out. // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9599807/how-to-add-indention-to-the-stream-operator class IndentingOStreambuf : public std::streambuf { std::streambuf* myDest; bool myIsAtStartOfLine; std::string myIndent; std::ostream* myOwner; protected: virtual int overflow( int ch ) { if ( myIsAtStartOfLine && ch != '\n' ) { myDest->sputn( myIndent.data(), myIndent.size() ); } myIsAtStartOfLine = ch == '\n'; return myDest->sputc( ch ); } public: explicit IndentingOStreambuf( std::streambuf* dest, int indent = 4 ) : myDest( dest ) , myIsAtStartOfLine( true ) , myIndent( indent, ' ' ) , myOwner( NULL ) { } explicit IndentingOStreambuf( std::ostream& dest, int indent = 4 ) : myDest( dest.rdbuf() ) , myIsAtStartOfLine( true ) , myIndent( indent, ' ' ) , myOwner( &dest ) { myOwner->rdbuf( this ); } virtual ~IndentingOStreambuf() { if ( myOwner != NULL ) { myOwner->rdbuf( myDest ); } } }; /** @}*/ } // end namespace Lemma /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // YAML Serializing helper functions. Can we move this into helper.h namespace YAML { template<> struct convert<Lemma::Complex> { static Node encode(const Lemma::Complex& rhs) { Node node; node["real"] = rhs.real(); node["imag"] = rhs.imag(); // No labels //node.push_back(rhs.real()); //node.push_back(rhs.imag()); node.SetTag( "Complex" ); // too verbose? return node; } static bool decode(const Node& node, Lemma::Complex& rhs) { // Disabled due to overly verbose output. Just believe... if( node.Tag() != "Complex" ) { return false; } rhs = Lemma::Complex( node["real"].as<Lemma::Real>(), node["imag"].as<Lemma::Real>() ); // no label style //rhs = Lemma::Complex( node[0].as<Lemma::Real>(), node[1].as<Lemma::Real>() ); return true; } }; template<> struct convert<Lemma::Vector3Xr> { static Node encode(const Lemma::Vector3Xr& rhs) { Node node; node["size"] = rhs.cols(); //node["rows"] = rhs.rows(); // == 3 for (int ic=0; ic<rhs.cols(); ++ic) { node[ic].push_back( rhs(0, ic) ); node[ic].push_back( rhs(1, ic) ); node[ic].push_back( rhs(2, ic) ); } node.SetTag( "Vector3Xr" ); return node; } static bool decode(const Node& node, Lemma::Vector3Xr& rhs) { if( node.Tag() != "Vector3Xr" ) { return false; } rhs.resize( Eigen::NoChange, node["size"].as<int>() ); for (unsigned int ic=0; ic<node.size(); ++ic) { int ir=0; for(YAML::const_iterator it=node[ic].begin();it!=node[ic].end();++it) { rhs(ir, ic) = it->as<Lemma::Real>(); ++ir; } } return true; } }; template<> struct convert<Lemma::VectorXr> { static Node encode(const Lemma::VectorXr& rhs) { Node node; node["size"] = rhs.size(); for (int ic=0; ic<rhs.size(); ++ic) { node["data"].push_back( rhs(ic) ); } node.SetTag( "VectorXr" ); return node; } static bool decode(const Node& node, Lemma::VectorXr& rhs) { if( node.Tag() != "VectorXr" ) { return false; } rhs.resize( node["size"].as<int>() ); int ir=0; for(YAML::const_iterator it=node["data"].begin(); it!=node["data"].end(); ++it) { rhs(ir) = it->as<Lemma::Real>(); ++ir; } return true; } }; template<> struct convert<Lemma::VectorXcr> { static Node encode(const Lemma::VectorXcr& rhs) { Node node; node["size"] = rhs.size(); for (int ic=0; ic<rhs.size(); ++ic) { node["data"].push_back( rhs(ic) ); } node.SetTag( "VectorXcr" ); return node; } static bool decode(const Node& node, Lemma::VectorXcr& rhs) { if( node.Tag() != "VectorXcr" ) { return false; } rhs.resize( node["size"].as<int>() ); int ir=0; for(YAML::const_iterator it=node["data"].begin(); it!=node["data"].end(); ++it) { rhs(ir) = it->as<Lemma::Complex>(); ++ir; } return true; } }; template<> struct convert<Lemma::VectorXi> { static Node encode(const Lemma::VectorXi& rhs) { Node node; node["size"] = rhs.size(); for (int ic=0; ic<rhs.size(); ++ic) { node["data"].push_back( rhs(ic) ); } node.SetTag( "VectorXi" ); return node; } static bool decode(const Node& node, Lemma::VectorXi& rhs) { if( node.Tag() != "VectorXi" ) { return false; } rhs.resize( node["size"].as<int>() ); int ir=0; for(YAML::const_iterator it=node["data"].begin(); it!=node["data"].end(); ++it) { rhs(ir) = it->as<int>(); ++ir; } return true; } }; template<> struct convert<Lemma::Vector3r> { static Node encode(const Lemma::Vector3r& rhs) { Node node; for (int ic=0; ic<rhs.size(); ++ic) { node["data"].push_back( rhs(ic) ); } node.SetTag( "Vector3r" ); return node; } static bool decode(const Node& node, Lemma::Vector3r& rhs) { if( node.Tag() != "Vector3r" ) { return false; } int ir=0; for(YAML::const_iterator it=node["data"].begin(); it!=node["data"].end(); ++it) { rhs(ir) = it->as<Lemma::Real>(); ++ir; } return true; } }; template<> struct convert<Lemma::MatrixXr> { static Node encode(const Lemma::MatrixXr& rhs) { Node node; node["rows"] = rhs.rows(); node["cols"] = rhs.cols(); for (int ir=0; ir<rhs.rows(); ++ir) { for (int ic=0; ic<rhs.cols(); ++ic) { node["data"][ir][ic] = rhs(ir,ic); } node["data"][ir].SetStyle(YAML::EmitterStyle::Flow); } //node.SetStyle(YAML::EmitterStyle::Block); node.SetTag( "MatrixXr" ); return node; } static bool decode(const Node& node, Lemma::MatrixXr& rhs) { if( node.Tag() != "MatrixXr" ) { return false; } int nc = node["cols"].as<int>(); int nr = node["rows"].as<int>(); rhs.resize(nr, nc); for (int ir=0; ir<nr; ++ir) { int ic=0; for(YAML::const_iterator it=node["data"][ir].begin(); it!=node["data"][ir].end(); ++it) { rhs(ir,ic) = it->as<Lemma::Real>(); ++ic; } } return true; } }; template<> struct convert<Lemma::MatrixXcr> { static Node encode(const Lemma::MatrixXcr& rhs) { Node node; node["rows"] = rhs.rows(); node["cols"] = rhs.cols(); for (int ir=0; ir<rhs.rows(); ++ir) { for (int ic=0; ic<rhs.cols(); ++ic) { node["data"][ir][ic] = rhs(ir,ic); } node["data"][ir].SetStyle(YAML::EmitterStyle::Flow); } //node.SetStyle(YAML::EmitterStyle::Block); node.SetTag( "MatrixXcr" ); return node; } static bool decode(const Node& node, Lemma::MatrixXcr& rhs) { if( node.Tag() != "MatrixXcr" ) { return false; } int nc = node["cols"].as<int>(); int nr = node["rows"].as<int>(); rhs.resize(nr, nc); for (int ir=0; ir<nr; ++ir) { int ic=0; for(YAML::const_iterator it=node["data"][ir].begin(); it!=node["data"][ir].end(); ++it) { rhs(ir,ic) = it->as<Lemma::Complex>(); ++ic; } } return true; } }; } #endif // ----- #ifndef HELPER_INC -----