/* This file is part of Lemma, a geophysical modelling and inversion API */

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

  @author   Trevor Irons
  @date     06/26/2012
  @version   0.0


#include "KernelEM1DBase.h"
#include "KernelEM1DSpec.h"

namespace Lemma {

    class DipoleSource;
    class KernelEM1DReflBase;

    // ===================================================================
    //  Class:  KernelEM1DManager
      \ingroup FDEM1D
      \brief   Keeps track of Kernels for EM1D
      \details This class keeps track of the various types of kernel terms
               which can be shared between permutations of sources. Care is
               taken to avoid duplicate calculations
    // ===================================================================
    class KernelEM1DManager : public LemmaObject {

        /** Recursively streams information about this class */
        friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const KernelEM1DManager &ob);


            // ====================  LIFECYCLE     =======================

            /** Default protected constructor. */
            KernelEM1DManager ( const ctor_key& );

            /** Default protected constructor. */
            ~KernelEM1DManager ();

            /** Returns a pointer to a new object of type KernelEM1DManager.
             * It allocates all necessary memory.
            static std::shared_ptr<KernelEM1DManager> NewSP();

            // ====================  OPERATORS     =======================

            // ====================  OPERATIONS    =======================

            template<EMMODE Mode, int Ikernel, DIPOLE_LOCATION Isource, DIPOLE_LOCATION Irecv>
            int AddKernel( );

                KernelEM1DSpec<Mode, Ikernel, Isource, Irecv>* NewKern =
                    KernelEM1DSpec<Mode, Ikernel, Isource, Irecv>::New();
                KernelVec.push_back( NewKern );
                NewKern->managerIdx = KernelVec.size()-1;
                switch (Mode) {
                    case TE:
                        if (TEReflBase == NULL) {
                            TEReflBase = KernelEM1DReflSpec<TE, Isource, Irecv>::New();
                            TEReflBase->SetUpSource(Dipole, ifreq);
                            TEReflBase->SetUpReceiver( rx_z );
                    case TM:
                        if (TMReflBase == NULL) {
                            TMReflBase = KernelEM1DReflSpec<TM, Isource, Irecv>::New();
                            TMReflBase->SetUpSource(Dipole, ifreq);
                            TMReflBase->SetUpReceiver( rx_z );
                return static_cast<int>(KernelVec.size()-1);

            void ResetSource(const int& ifreq);

            /** For use in related Kernel calculations. This function calles
             * ComputeReflectionCoeffs on TEReflBase and TMReflBase, if they
             * exist. After this has been called, KernelEM1DBase::RelBesselArg() may be safely
             * called. This method stores solutions of the same idx. rho0 is the intial lambda argument
            void ComputeReflectionCoeffs(const Real& lambda, const int& idx, const Real& rho0);

            /** Clears the vector of kernels */
            void ClearVec() {

            // ====================  ACCESS        =======================

            /** Sets the LayeredEarthEM class that will be used by the kernels.
            void SetEarth( std::shared_ptr<LayeredEarthEM>   Earth);

            /** Sets the source of the kernels */
            void SetDipoleSource( DipoleSource* Dipole, const int& ifreq, const Real& rx_zin);

            /** Returns pointer to specified kernel indice. Indices are assigned in the same
                order as they are created by AddKernel.
            std::shared_ptr<KernelEM1DBase>    GetKernel(const unsigned int& ik);

            /** Returns RAW pointer to specified kernel indice. Indices are assigned in the same
                order as they are created by AddKernel.
            KernelEM1DBase*                    GetRAWKernel(const unsigned int& ik);

            /** Returns pointer to connected dipole.
            DipoleSource*                      GetDipole( );

            inline std::vector< std::shared_ptr<KernelEM1DBase> >  GetSTLVector() {
                return KernelVec;

            // ====================  INQUIRY       =======================

            /** Returns the name of the underlying class, similiar to Python's type */
            virtual inline std::string GetName() const ;


            // ====================  LIFECYCLE     =======================

            // ====================  DATA MEMBERS  =========================

            /** List of KernelEm1D instances */
            std::vector< std::shared_ptr<KernelEM1DBase> >  KernelVec;

            /** Reflection base used for TE mode */
            std::shared_ptr<KernelEM1DReflBase>        TEReflBase = nullptr;

            /** Reflection base used for TM mode */
            std::shared_ptr<KernelEM1DReflBase>        TMReflBase = nullptr;

            /** EmEarth Class */
            std::shared_ptr<LayeredEarthEM>            Earth;

            /** EM dipole souce */
            DipoleSource*                              Dipole;

            /** Frequency index for the sources */
            int                                        ifreq;

            /** Receiver height */
            Real                                       rx_z;


            static constexpr auto CName = "KernelEM1DManager";

    }; // -----  end of class  KernelEM1DManager  -----

    // template methods
    template<EMMODE Mode, int Ikernel, DIPOLE_LOCATION Isource, DIPOLE_LOCATION Irecv>
    int KernelEM1DManager::AddKernel( ) {

        auto NewKern = KernelEM1DSpec<Mode, Ikernel, Isource, Irecv>::NewSP();
        NewKern->managerIdx = KernelVec.size();
        switch (Mode) {
            case TE:
                if (TEReflBase == nullptr) {
                    TEReflBase = KernelEM1DReflSpec<TE, Isource, Irecv>::NewSP();
                    TEReflBase->SetUpSource(Dipole, ifreq);
                    TEReflBase->SetUpReceiver( rx_z );
            case TM:
                if (TMReflBase == nullptr) {
                    TMReflBase = KernelEM1DReflSpec<TM, Isource, Irecv>::NewSP();
                    TMReflBase->SetUpSource(Dipole, ifreq);
                    TMReflBase->SetUpReceiver( rx_z );
        KernelVec.push_back( std::move(NewKern) );
        return static_cast<int>(KernelVec.size()-1);

//     /** Clears the vector of kernels */
//     void ClearVec() {
//         for (unsigned int ik=0; ik<this->KernelVec.size(); ++ik) {
//             this->KernelVec[ik]->Delete();
//         }
//         KernelVec.clear();
//     }

}		// -----  end of Lemma  name  -----

#endif   // ----- #ifndef KERNELEM1DMANAGER_INC  -----