Install Guide
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Installation can be done in the usual way with python. Note that the script does not handle a dependency on R and PyQt5.

If you are new to Python, you may prefer to use an all-in-one Python Distribution, we have tested Akvo with Anaconda Python:

  • Install Anaconda Python [] which is available for Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows. Make sure you grab the Python 3 installer.
  • From the Anaconda Navigator, set up a new Environment that contains both R and Python 3.
  • Configure your Anaconda Environment, to do this, open up an Anaconda Terminal (Command Line) and type

    conda install -c anaconda numpy scipy rpy2 
    conda install -c conda-forge cmocean matplotlib
    pip install PyQt5 pyqt_distutils
  • Now change to the directory location where you want download Akvo. Then download (clone) build and install the program.

    conda install -c anaconda git 
    git clone 
    cd akvo 
    python build 
    python install 

Then, within your Anaconda terminal, you can simply type akvo in order to launch the GUI. At this point you are done with installation.

In the future, if you want to update Akvo, within an Anaconda terminal, navigate to the akvo download directory and type

git pull
python build 
python install