import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import lstsq from numpy.linalg import norm from numpy import fft import pylab from scipy.signal import correlate def autocorr(x): #result = np.correlate(x, x, mode='full') result = correlate(x, x, mode='full') return result[result.size/2:] class AdaptiveFilter: def __init__(self, mu): = mu def adapt_filt_Ref(self, x, R, M, mu, PCA, lambda2=0.95, H0=0): """ Taken from .m file This function is written to allow the user to filter a input signal with an adaptive filter that utilizes 2 reference signals instead of the standard method which allows for only 1 reference signal. Author: Rob Clemens Date: 3/16/06 Modified and ported to Python, now takes arbitray number of reference points """ #from akvo.tressel import pca import akvo.tressel.pca as pca if np.shape(x) != np.shape(R[0]): # or np.shape(x) != np.shape(rx1): print ("Error, non aligned") exit(1) if PCA == "Yes": #print("Performing PCA calculation in noise cancellation") # PCA decomposition on ref channels so signals are less related R, K, means = pca.pca( R ) # test for in loop reference #print("Cull nearly zero terms?", np.shape(x), np.shape(R)) #R = R[0:3,:] #R = R[2:4,:] #print(" removed zero terms?", np.shape(x), np.shape(R)) #H0 = H0[0:3*np.shape(x)[0]] #H0 = H0[0:2*np.shape(x)[0]] if all(H0) == 0: H = np.zeros( (len(R)*M)) #print ("resetting filter") else: H = H0 #H = np.zeros( (len(R)*M)) Rn = np.ones(len(R)*M) / mu r_ = np.zeros( (len(R), M) ) e = np.zeros(len(x)) # error, desired output ilambda = lambda2**-1 for z in range(0, len(x)): # Only look forwards, to avoid distorting the lates times # (run backwards, if opposite and you don't care about distorting very late time.) for ir in range(len(R)): if z < M: r_[ir,0:z] = R[ir][0:z] r_[ir,z:M] = 0 else: # TODO, use np.delete and np.append to speed this up r_[ir,:] = R[ir][z-M:z] # reshape r_n = np.reshape(r_, -1) #concatenate((r_v, r_h )) #K = np.diag(Rn,0), r_n) / (lambda2 +*Rn, r_n)) # Create/update K K = (Rn* r_n) / (lambda2 +*Rn, r_n)) # Create/update K e[z] = x[z] -, H) # e is the filtered signal, input - r(n) * Filter Coefs H += K*e[z]; # Update Filter Coefficients Rn = ilambda*Rn - ilambda*, r_n.T), Rn) # Update R(n) return e, H def transferFunctionFFT(self, D, R, reg=1e-2): from akvo.tressel import pca """ Computes the transfer function (H) between a Data channel and a number of Reference channels. The Matrices D and R are expected to be in the frequency domain on input. | R1'R1 R1'R2 R1'R3| |h1| |R1'D| | R2'R1 R2'R2 R2'R3| * |h2| = |R2'D| | R3'R1 R3'R2 R3'R3| |h3| |R3'D| Returns the corrected array """ # PCA decomposition on ref channels so signals are less related #transMatrix, K, means = pca.pca( np.array([rx0, rx1])) #RR = np.zeros(( np.shape(R[0])[0]*np.shape(R[0])[1], len(R))) # RR = np.zeros(( len(R), np.shape(R[0])[0]*np.shape(R[0])[1] )) # for ir in range(len(R)): # RR[ir,:] = np.reshape(R[ir], -1) # transMatrix, K, means = pca.pca(RR) # #R rx0 = transMatrix[0,:] # # rx1 = transMatrix[1,:] # for ir in range(len(R)): # R[ir] = transMatrix[ir,0] import scipy.linalg import akvo.tressel.pca as pca # Compute as many transfer functions as len(R) # A*H = B nref = len(R) H = np.zeros( (np.shape(D)[1], len(R)), dtype=complex ) for iw in range(np.shape(D)[1]): A = np.zeros( (nref, nref), dtype=complex ) B = np.zeros( (nref) , dtype=complex) for ii in range(nref): for jj in range(nref): # build A A[ii,jj] =[ii][:,iw], R[jj][:,iw]) # build B B[ii] = R[ii][:,iw], D[:,iw] ) # compute H(iw) #linalg.solve(a,b) if a is square #print "A", A #print "B", B # TODO, regularise this solve step? So as to not fit the spurious noise #print np.shape(B), np.shape(A) #H[iw, :] = scipy.linalg.solve(A,B) H[iw, :] = scipy.linalg.lstsq(A,B,cond=reg)[0] #print "lstqt", np.shape(scipy.linalg.lstsq(A,B)) #print "solve", scipy.linalg.solve(A,B) #H[iw,:] = scipy.linalg.lstsq(A,B) # otherwise #H = np.zeros( (np.shape(D)[1], ) ) #print H #A, B Error = np.zeros(np.shape(D), dtype=complex) for ir in range(nref): for q in range( np.shape(D)[0] ): #print "dimcheck", np.shape(H[:,ir]), np.shape(R[ir][q,:] ) Error[q,:] += H[:,ir]*R[ir][q,:] return D - Error def adapt_filt_tworefFreq(self, x, rx0, rx1, M, lambda2=0.95): """ Frequency domain version of above """ from akvo.tressel import pca pylab.figure() pylab.plot(rx0) pylab.plot(rx1) # PCA decomposition on ref channels so signals are less related transMatrix, K, means = pca.pca( np.array([rx0, rx1])) rx0 = transMatrix[:,0] rx1 = transMatrix[:,1] pylab.plot(rx0) pylab.plot(rx1) exit() if np.shape(x) != np.shape(rx0) or np.shape(x) != np.shape(rx1): print ("Error, non aligned") exit(1) wx = fft.rfft(x) wr0 = fft.rfft(rx0) wr1 = fft.rfft(rx1) H = np.zeros( (2*M), dtype=complex ) ident_mat = np.eye((2*M)) Rn = ident_mat / 0.1 r_v = np.zeros( (M), dtype=complex ) r_h = np.zeros( (M), dtype=complex ) e = np.zeros(len(x), dtype=complex ) ilambda = lambda2**-1 for z in range(0, len(wx)): # TODO Padd with Zeros or truncate if M >,< arrays r_v = wr0[::-1][:M] r_h = wr1[::-1][:M] r_n = np.concatenate((r_v, r_h )) K =, r_n) / (lambda2 +, Rn), r_n)) # Create/update K e[z] = wx[z] -,H) # e is the filtered signal, input - r(n) * Filter Coefs H += K * e[z]; # Update Filter Coefficients Rn = ilambda*Rn - ilambda*K*r_n.T*Rn # Update R(n) return fft.irfft(e) def iter_filt_refFreq(self, x, rx0, Ahat=.05, Bhat=.5, k=0.05): X = np.fft.rfft(x) X0 = np.copy(X) RX0 = np.fft.rfft(rx0) # step 0 Abs2HW = [] alphai = k * (np.abs(Ahat)**2 / np.abs(Bhat)**2) betai = k * (1. / (np.abs(Bhat)**2) ) Hw = ((1.+alphai) * np.abs(X)**2 ) / (np.abs(X)**2 + betai*(np.abs(RX0)**2)) H = np.abs(Hw)**2 pylab.ion() pylab.figure() for i in range(10): #print "alphai", alphai #print "betai", betai #print "Hw", Hw alphai = k * (np.abs(Ahat)**2 / np.abs(Bhat)**2) * np.product(H, axis=0) betai = k * (1. / np.abs(Bhat)**2) * np.product(H, axis=0) # update signal Hw = ((1.+alphai) * np.abs(X)**2) / (np.abs(X)**2 + betai*np.abs(RX0)**2) Hw = np.nan_to_num(Hw) X *= Hw H = np.vstack( (H, np.abs(Hw)**2) ) #print "Hw", Hw pylab.cla() pylab.plot(Hw) #pylab.plot(np.abs(X)) #pylab.plot(np.abs(RX0)) pylab.draw() raw_input("wait") pylab.cla() pylab.ioff() #return np.fft.irfft(X0-X) return np.fft.irfft(X) def iter_filt_refFreq(self, x, rx0, rx1, Ahat=.1, Bhat=1., k=0.001): X = np.fft.rfft(x) X0 = np.copy(X) RX0 = np.fft.rfft(rx0) RX1 = np.fft.rfft(rx1) # step 0 alphai = k * (np.abs(Ahat)**2 / np.abs(Bhat)**2) betai = k * (1. / (np.abs(Bhat)**2) ) #Hw = ((1.+alphai) * np.abs(X)**2 ) / (np.abs(X)**2 + betai*(np.abs(RX0)**2)) H = np.ones(len(X)) # abs(Hw)**2 #pylab.ion() #pylab.figure(334) for i in range(1000): #print "alphai", alphai #print "betai", betai #print "Hw", Hw alphai = k * (np.abs(Ahat)**2 / np.abs(Bhat)**2) * np.product(H, axis=0) betai = k * (1. / np.abs(Bhat)**2) * np.product(H, axis=0) # update signal Hw = ((1.+alphai) * np.abs(X)**2) / (np.abs(X)**2 + betai*np.abs(RX0)**2) Hw = np.nan_to_num(Hw) X *= Hw #.conjugate #H = np.vstack((H, np.abs(Hw)**2) ) H = np.vstack((H, np.abs(Hw)) ) #print "Hw", Hw #pylab.cla() #pylab.plot(Hw) #pylab.plot(np.abs(X)) #pylab.plot(np.abs(RX0)) #pylab.draw() #raw_input("wait") #pylab.cla() #pylab.ioff() return np.fft.irfft(X0-X) #return np.fft.irfft(X) def Tdomain_DFT(self, desired, input, S): """ Lifted from Adaptive filtering toolbox. Modefied to accept more than one input vector """ # Initialisation Procedure nCoefficients = S["filterOrderNo"]/2+1 nIterations = len(desired) # Pre Allocations errorVector = np.zeros(nIterations, dtype='complex') outputVector = np.zeros(nIterations, dtype='complex') # Initial State coefficientVectorDFT = np.fft.rfft(S["initialCoefficients"])/np.sqrt(float(nCoefficients)) desiredDFT = np.fft.rfft(desired) powerVector = S["initialPower"]*np.ones(nCoefficients) # Improve source code regularity, pad with zeros # TODO, confirm zeros(nCoeffics) not nCoeffics-1 prefixedInput = np.concatenate([np.zeros(nCoefficients-1), np.array(input)]) # Body pylab.ion() pylab.figure(11) for it in range(nIterations): # = 1:nIterations, regressorDFT = np.fft.rfft(prefixedInput[it:it+nCoefficients][::-1]) /\ np.sqrt(float(nCoefficients)) # Summing two column vectors powerVector = S["alpha"] * (regressorDFT*np.conjugate(regressorDFT)) + \ (1.-S["alpha"])*(powerVector) pylab.cla() #pylab.plot(prefixedInput[::-1], 'b') #pylab.plot(prefixedInput[it:it+nCoefficients][::-1], 'g', linewidth=3) #pylab.plot(regressorDFT.real) #pylab.plot(regressorDFT.imag) pylab.plot(powerVector.real) pylab.plot(powerVector.imag) #pylab.plot(outputVector) #pylab.plot(errorVector.real) #pylab.plot(errorVector.imag) pylab.draw() #raw_input("wait") outputVector[it] =, regressorDFT) #errorVector[it] = desired[it] - outputVector[it] errorVector[it] = desiredDFT[it] - outputVector[it] #print errorVector[it], desired[it], outputVector[it] # Vectorized coefficientVectorDFT += (S["step"]*np.conjugate(errorVector[it])*regressorDFT) /\ (S['gamma']+powerVector) return np.real(np.fft.irfft(errorVector)) #coefficientVector = ifft(coefficientVectorDFT)*sqrt(nCoefficients); def Tdomain_DCT(self, desired, input, S): """ Lifted from Adaptive filtering toolbox. Modefied to accept more than one input vector. Uses cosine transform """ from scipy.fftpack import dct # Initialisation Procedure nCoefficients = S["filterOrderNo"]+1 nIterations = len(desired) # Pre Allocations errorVector = np.zeros(nIterations) outputVector = np.zeros(nIterations) # Initial State coefficientVectorDCT = dct(S["initialCoefficients"]) #/np.sqrt(float(nCoefficients)) desiredDCT = dct(desired) powerVector = S["initialPower"]*np.ones(nCoefficients) # Improve source code regularity, pad with zeros prefixedInput = np.concatenate([np.zeros(nCoefficients-1), np.array(input)]) # Body #pylab.figure(11) #pylab.ion() for it in range(0, nIterations): # = 1:nIterations, regressorDCT = dct(prefixedInput[it:it+nCoefficients][::-1], type=2) #regressorDCT = dct(prefixedInput[it+nCoefficients:it+nCoefficients*2+1])#[::-1]) # Summing two column vectors powerVector = S["alpha"]*(regressorDCT) + (1.-S["alpha"])*(powerVector) #pylab.cla() #pylab.plot(powerVector) #pylab.draw() outputVector[it] =, regressorDCT) #errorVector[it] = desired[it] - outputVector[it] errorVector[it] = desiredDCT[it] - outputVector[it] # Vectorized coefficientVectorDCT += (S["step"]*errorVector[it]*regressorDCT) #/\ #(S['gamma']+powerVector) #pylab.plot(errorVector) return dct(errorVector, type=3) #coefficientVector = ifft(coefficientVectorDCT)*sqrt(nCoefficients); def Tdomain_CORR(self, desired, input, S): from scipy.linalg import toeplitz from scipy.signal import correlate # Autocorrelation ac = np.correlate(input, input, mode='full') ac = ac[ac.size/2:] R = toeplitz(ac) # cross correllation r = np.correlate(desired, input, mode='full') r = r[r.size/2:] #r = np.correlate(desired, input, mode='valid') print ("R", np.shape(R)) print ("r", np.shape(r)) print ("solving") #H = np.linalg.solve(R,r) H = np.linalg.lstsq(R,r,rcond=.01)[0] #return desired -,input) print ("done solving") pylab.figure() pylab.plot(H) pylab.title("H") #return desired - np.convolve(H, input, mode='valid') #return desired - np.convolve(H, input, mode='same') #return np.convolve(H, input, mode='same') return desired -, input) #return, H) # T = toeplitz(input) # print "shapes", np.shape(T), np.shape(desired) # h = np.linalg.lstsq(T, desired)[0] # print "shapes", np.shape(h), np.shape(input) # #return np.convolve(h, input, mode='same') # return desired -,h) def Fdomain_CORR(self, desired, input, dt, freq): from scipy.linalg import toeplitz # Fourier domain Input = np.fft.rfft(input) Desired = np.fft.rfft(desired) T = toeplitz(Input) #H = np.linalg.solve(T, Desired) H = np.linalg.lstsq(T, Desired)[0] # ac = np.correlate(Input, Input, mode='full') # ac = ac[ac.size/2:] # R = toeplitz(ac) # # r = np.correlate(Desired, Input, mode='full') # r = r[r.size/2:] # # #r = np.correlate(desired, input, mode='valid') # print "R", np.shape(R) # print "r", np.shape(r) # print "solving" # H = np.linalg.solve(R,r) # #H = np.linalg.lstsq(R,r) # #return desired -,input) # print "done solving" pylab.figure() pylab.plot(H.real) pylab.plot(H.imag) pylab.plot(Input.real) pylab.plot(Input.imag) pylab.plot(Desired.real) pylab.plot(Desired.imag) pylab.legend(["hr","hi","ir","ii","dr","di"]) pylab.title("H") #return desired - np.fft.irfft(Input*H) return np.fft.irfft(H*Input) def Tdomain_RLS(self, desired, input, S): """ A DFT is first performed on the data. Than a RLS algorithm is carried out for noise cancellation. Related to the RLS_Alt Algoritm 5.3 in Diniz book. The desired and input signals are assummed to be real time series data. """ # Transform data into frequency domain Input = np.fft.rfft(input) Desired = np.fft.rfft(desired) # Initialisation Procedure nCoefficients = S["filterOrderNo"]+1 nIterations = len(Desired) # Pre Allocations errorVector = np.zeros(nIterations, dtype="complex") outputVector = np.zeros(nIterations, dtype="complex") errorVectorPost = np.zeros(nIterations, dtype="complex") outputVectorPost = np.zeros(nIterations, dtype="complex") coefficientVector = np.zeros( (nCoefficients, nIterations+1), dtype="complex" ) # Initial State coefficientVector[:,1] = S["initialCoefficients"] S_d = S["delta"]*np.eye(nCoefficients) # Improve source code regularity, pad with zeros prefixedInput = np.concatenate([np.zeros(nCoefficients-1, dtype="complex"), np.array(Input)]) invLambda = 1./S["lambda"] # Body pylab.ion() pylab.figure(11) for it in range(nIterations): regressor = prefixedInput[it:it+nCoefficients][::-1] # a priori estimated output outputVector[it] =[:,it].T, regressor) # a priori error errorVector[it] = Desired[it] - outputVector[it] psi =, regressor) if np.isnan(psi).any(): print ("psi", psi) exit(1) pylab.cla() #pylab.plot(psi) pylab.plot(regressor.real) pylab.plot(regressor.imag) pylab.plot(coefficientVector[:,it].real) pylab.plot(coefficientVector[:,it].imag) pylab.legend(["rr","ri", "cr", "ci"]) pylab.draw() raw_input("paws") S_d = invLambda * (S_d -, psi.T) /\ S["lambda"] +, regressor)) coefficientVector[:,it+1] = coefficientVector[:,it] + \ np.conjugate(errorVector[it])*, regressor) # A posteriori estimated output outputVectorPost[it] =[:,it+1].T, regressor) # A posteriori error errorVectorPost[it] = Desired[it] - outputVectorPost[it] errorVectorPost = np.nan_to_num(errorVectorPost) pylab.figure(11) print (np.shape(errorVectorPost)) pylab.plot(errorVectorPost.real) pylab.plot(errorVectorPost.imag) print(errorVectorPost) #return np.fft.irfft(Desired) return np.fft.irfft(errorVectorPost) if __name__ == "__main__": def noise(nu, t, phi): return np.sin(nu*2.*np.pi*t + phi) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print("Test driver for adaptive filtering") Filt = AdaptiveFilter(.1) t = np.arange(0, .5, 1e-4) omega = 2000 * 2.*np.pi T2 = .100 n1 = noise(60, t, .2 ) n2 = noise(61, t, .514 ) x = np.sin(omega*t)* np.exp(-t/T2) + 2.3*noise(60, t, .34) + 1.783*noise(31, t, 2.1) e = Filt.adapt_filt_tworef(x, n1, n2, 200, .98) plt.plot(t, x) plt.plot(t, n1) plt.plot(t, n2) plt.plot(t, e)