Akvo ==== Akvo provides processing of surface NMR data. It aims to be simple to use yet flexible for accommodating changes to processing flow. Akvo is written primarily in Python 3 with a small amount of R as well. The application is written around a Qt GUI with plotting provided by Matplotlib. The bleeding-edge code may be accessed using the git client ``` git clone http://lemma.codes/LemmaSoftware/Akvo.git ``` or, using our GitHub mirror ``` git clone https://github.com/LemmaSoftware/akvo.git ``` Installation ============ Installation is straightforward. The only prerequisite that is sometimes not properly handled is PyQt5 which sometimes needs to be manually installed, i.e. `pip install pyqt5` ``` python3 setup.py build python3 setup.py install ``` Alternatively, release versions can be installed via pip ``` pip install akvo ``` Team ==== Akvo is developed by several teams including the University of Utah. If you would like to contribute, please send an email to info(at)lemmasoftware.org. Capabilities ============ Akvo currently has preprocessing capabilities for VistaClara GMR data. Benefits ======== Reproducibility --------------- Processing steps are retained and logged in the processed file header, which is written in YAML. This allows data processing to be repeatable. Open source ---------- Akvo is truly open source, anyone can access, use, and change the source code. Languages ========= Akvo is written primarily in Python 3. The graphical user interface is written in PyQt5. An interface to modelling software written in C++ (Lemma and Merlin) is in development.