try: import colorama except ImportError: has_colorama = False else: has_colorama = True import shlex try: # Python 3 from shlex import quote except ImportError: # Python 2 from pipes import quote def build_args(cmd, src, dst): """ Build arguments list for passing to subprocess.call_check :param cmd str: Command string to interpolate src and dst filepaths into. Typically the output of `config.Config.uic_command` or `config.Config.rcc_command`. :param src str: Source filepath. :param dst str: Destination filepath. """ cmd = cmd % (quote(src), quote(dst)) args = shlex.split(cmd) return [arg for arg in args if arg] def write_message(text, color=None): if has_colorama: colors = { 'red': colorama.Fore.RED, 'green': colorama.Fore.GREEN, 'yellow': colorama.Fore.YELLOW, 'blue': colorama.Fore.BLUE } try: print(colors[color] + text + colorama.Fore.RESET) except KeyError: print(text) else: print(text)