from __future__ import division import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('pdf') #from rasterize import rasterize_and_save import matplotlib.patches as mpatches from pwctime import pwcTime from logbarrier import * from perlin import perlin from scipy import stats import cmocean import sys import numpy as np import seaborn as sns def bootstrapWindows(N, nboot, isum, adapt=False): """ Bootstraps noise as a function of gate width N = input noise signal nboot = number of boostrap windows to perform isum = length of windows (L_i) adapt = reduce nboot as window size increases """ nc = np.shape(N)[0] Means = {} if adapt: Means = -9999*np.ones((len(isum), nboot//isum[0])) # dummy value for ii, nwin in enumerate(isum): for iboot in range(nboot//isum[ii]): cs = np.random.randint(0,nc-nwin) Means[ii,iboot] = np.mean( N[cs:cs+nwin] ) Means =, -9995) else: Means = np.zeros((len(isum), nboot)) for ii, nwin in enumerate(isum): for iboot in range(nboot): cs = np.random.randint(0,nc-nwin) Means[ii,iboot] = np.mean( N[cs:cs+nwin] ) return Means, np.array(isum) def gateIntegrate(T2D, T2T, gpd, sigma, stackEfficiency=2.): """ Gate integrate the signal to gpd, gates per decade T2D = the time series to gate integrate, complex T2T = the abscissa values gpd = gates per decade sigma = estimate of standard deviation for theoretical gate noise stackEfficiency = exponential in theoretical gate noise, 2 represents ideal stacking """ # use artificial time gates so that early times are fully captured T2T0 = T2T[0] T2TD = T2T[0] - (T2T[1]-T2T[0]) T2T -= T2TD ##################################### # calculate total number of decades # # windows edges are approximate until binning but will be adjusted to reflect data timing, this # primarily impacts bins with a few samples nd = np.log10(T2T[-1]/T2T[0]) tdd = np.logspace( np.log10(T2T[0]), np.log10(T2T[-1]), (int)(gpd*nd)+1, base=10, endpoint=True) tdl = tdd[0:-1] # approximate window left edges tdr = tdd[1::] # approximate window right edges td = (tdl+tdr) / 2. # approximate window centres Vars = np.zeros( len(td) ) htd = np.zeros( len(td), dtype=complex ) isum = np.zeros( len(td), dtype=int ) ii = 0 for itd in range(len(T2T)): if ( T2T[itd] > tdr[ii] ): ii += 1 # correct window edges to centre about data tdr[ii-1] = (T2T[itd-1]+T2T[itd])*.5 tdl[ii ] = (T2T[itd-1]+T2T[itd])*.5 isum[ii] += 1 htd[ii] += T2D[ itd ] Vars[ii] += sigma**2 td = (tdl+tdr) / 2. # actual window centres sigma2 = np.sqrt( Vars * ((1/(isum))**stackEfficiency) ) # Reset abscissa where isum == 1 # when there is no windowing going on td[isum==1] = T2T[0:len(td)][isum==1] tdd = np.append(tdl, tdr[-1]) htd /= isum # average T2T += T2TD # not used return td+T2TD, htd, tdd+T2TD, sigma2, isum # centre abscissa, data, window edges, error PhiD = [] def invert(Time, t, v, sig, lambdastar): """ helper function that simply calls logBarrier, here to allow for drop in repacement """ #model = logBarrier(Time.Genv, 1e-2*v, Time.T2Bins, MAXITER=5000, sigma=1e-2*sig, alpha=1e6, smooth="Both") model = logBarrier(Time.Genv, 1e-2*v, Time.T2Bins, lambdastar, MAXITER=750, sigma=1e-2*sig, alpha=1e6, smooth="Smallest") PhiD.append(model[2]) return model def gateTest(vc, vgc, pperlin, boot, lamdastar): """ Performs gate integration and adds random noise vc = clean data (dense) vgc = clean data at gates boot = if "boot" then bootstrap the gate noise lambdastar = l-curve or discrepency principle pperlin = percent perlin noise, noise floor is maintained at 2.00 PU """ t = np.arange(2e-4, .3601, 2e-4) zeta = np.pi / 3. v = np.copy(vc) # important! # Scaling factors to keep noise floor constant with increasing levels of # Perlin noise. These were determined using populations of 5,000 and hold to # two significant digits (i.e, 2.00 PU) PF = {0.0:0,\ 2.5:.450,\ 5.0:.6125,\ 7.5:.765,\ 10.0:.87375,\ 12.5:.9725,\ 15.0:1.05,\ 17.5:1.1275,\ 20.0:1.20,\ 22.5:1.265,\ 25.0:1.325} # random noise np.random.seed() # necessary for thread pool, otherwise all threads can get same numbers sigma = 2.*(1.-1e-2*pperlin) eps = np.random.normal(0, sigma, len(t)) + \ 1j*np.random.normal(0, sigma, len(t)) eps += PF[pperlin] * perlin(len(t), L=.3601, sigma_f=.005, sigma_r=0.72) # 1 PU std v += eps # Noise based on residual sigmahat = np.std( v.imag ) gt, gd, we, err, isum = gateIntegrate(v.real, t, 20, sigmahat) ge = np.copy(err) if boot=="boot": Means, isum2 = bootstrapWindows(v.imag, 20000, isum[isum!=1], adapt=True) # STD #err[isum!=1] =, axis=1, ddof=1)[isum!=1] # MAD, only for windows > 1 c = stats.norm.ppf(3./4.) err[isum!=1] =, axis=1) / c if boot=="uniform": err = sigmahat return gt, gd, gd-vgc, err, v.real, t, isum if __name__ == "__main__": import multiprocessing import itertools from GJIPlot import * import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter from matplotlib import ticker from collections import OrderedDict if len(sys.argv)<4: print ( "Python script for generating plots used in GJI publication") print ( "useage:") print ( "python NoiseType Sigma_i Lambda* " ) exit() if sys.argv[1] not in ['0.0','2.5','5.0','7.5','10.0','12.5','15.0','17.5','20.0','22.5','25.0']: print ( "PercentPerlin: [0.0,2.5,5.0...25.0] ", "got", sys.argv[1]) exit(1) if sys.argv[2] != "gauss" and sys.argv[2] != "boot" and sys.argv[2] != "uniform": print ( "Sigma_i: gauss | boot | uniform") exit(1) if sys.argv[3] != "lcurve" and sys.argv[3] != "discrepency": print ( "Lambda*: lcurve | discrepency ") exit(1) #offwhite = (.98,.98,.98) offwhite = (1.,1.,1.) mDarkBrown = '#eb811b' # alert colour mDarkTeal = '#23373b' mLightBrown= "#EB811B" mLightGreen = "#14B03D" # Time series plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(pc2in(18),pc2in(18)), facecolor=offwhite) ax2 = fig.add_axes([.195, .175, .750, .75], facecolor=offwhite) # time # Main plot fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(pc2in(20),pc2in(2*.5*20))) ax1 = fig2.add_axes([.175, .410*1.5, .6, .225*1.5]) ax1c = fig2.add_axes([.800, .410*1.5, .025, .225*1.5]) ax3 = fig2.add_axes([.175, .100*1.5, .495, .225*1.5], facecolor='None') ax3r = fig2.add_axes([.175, .100*1.5, .495, .225*1.5], facecolor='None', rasterized=True, sharex=ax3, sharey=ax3) ax3b = fig2.add_axes([.825, .100*1.5, .1, .225*1.5]) SIG = [] ER = [] GD = [] GT = [] V = [] MOD = [] CONV = [] PHID = [] PHIM = [] LSTAR = [] ns = 10000 #10000 #10000 # number of realizations for PDF ni = 5000 #5000 #1000 # number of inversions to plot t = np.arange(2e-4, .3601, 2e-4) # CMR sampling #CMAP = CMAP = #CMAP = #CMAP = ############################################## # set up model lowT2 = .001 hiT2 = 1.0 nT2 = 30 spacing = "Log_10" Time = pwcTime() Time.setT2(lowT2, hiT2, nT2, spacing) Time.setSampling( np.arange(2e-4, .3601, 2e-4) ) Time.generateGenv() tmod = np.zeros(nT2) tmod [8] = .15 # distribution be smoothed tmod [20] = .1 for i in range(2): tmod = np.convolve(tmod, np.array([.0625,.125,.1875,.25,.1875,.125,.0625]), 'same') vc = 100. *, tmod) + 0j # in PU gt, gd, we, err, isum = gateIntegrate(vc, t, 20, 3) ############################################## # Set up inversion Time = pwcTime() Time.setT2(lowT2, hiT2, nT2, spacing) Time.setSampling( gt ) Time.generateGenv() vgc = 100.*, tmod) + 0j # in PU # make the Pool of workers print("pool gate integrate") with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool: results = pool.starmap(gateTest, zip(np.tile(vc, (ns, 1)), np.tile(vgc, (ns,1)), itertools.repeat(eval(sys.argv[1])), \ itertools.repeat(sys.argv[2]), \ itertools.repeat(sys.argv[3]))) print("done pool gate integrate") # parse out results for i in range(ns): gt,gd,ge,err,v,vt,isum = results[i] V.append(v.real) GT.append(gt.real) GD.append(gd.real) ER.append( ge.real / err.real ) SIG.append( err.real ) print("pool inversions") with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool: invresults = pool.starmap(invert, zip(itertools.repeat(Time), GT[0:ni], GD[0:ni], SIG[0:ni], itertools.repeat(sys.argv[3]) )) #print("done pool inversions",results[:][0]) # Parse results for i in range(ns): #print("Sym %", round(100.*i/(float)(1)/(float)(ns))) # invert if i < ni: #mod, conv, phid = invert(Time, gt, gd.real, err) if sys.argv[3] == "discrepency": mod, conv, phid_final = invresults[i] else: mod, conv, phid_final, phim, phid, lstar = invresults[i] MOD.append(mod) CONV.append(conv) PHID.append(phid) PHIM.append(phim) LSTAR.append(lstar) PHIM = np.array(PHIM) PHID = np.array(PHID) ER = np.array(ER) MOD = np.array(MOD) GD = np.array(GD) #################### # Time series plot # ax2.plot( 1e3*vt, V[0], color=mDarkTeal, label="$V_N$", linewidth=1, zorder=-32) #, rasterized=True) ax2.errorbar( 1e3*gt, GD[0], yerr=SIG[0], fmt='.', markersize=6, color=mLightBrown, label="$V_G$") ax2.set_ylim([-10,30]) leg1 = ax2.legend( labelspacing=0.2, scatterpoints=1, numpoints=1, frameon=True ) fixLeg(leg1) ax2.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip') ax2.set_ylabel(r"$V_N$ (PU)") ax2.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%1.0f')) ax2.set_xlabel("time (ms)") deSpine(ax2) fig.savefig( sys.argv[1] + "-" + sys.argv[2] + "-" + sys.argv[3] + "-ts.pdf", dpi=400, facecolor=offwhite,edgecolor=offwhite) # histogram of error statistic bins = np.linspace( -3, 3, 40, endpoint=True ) HIST = [] for i in range(0,np.shape(ER)[1]): hist, edges = np.histogram(ER[:,i], bins=bins, density=False) HIST.append(hist) HIST = np.array(HIST)/(float)(ns) # normalize im = ax1.pcolor(1e3*we, edges, HIST.T, cmap=CMAP, vmin=0, vmax=.1, rasterized=True) im.set_edgecolor('face') cb = plt.colorbar(im, ax1c, label=r"probability density", format=FormatStrFormatter('%1.2f')) cb.solids.set_rasterized(True) tick_locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=4) cb.locator = tick_locator cb.update_ticks() ax1.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip') ax1.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%1.0f')) ax1.set_xlabel("time (ms)") ax1.set_ylabel(r"gate error $\left( \left( {V_G - V_T} \right) / {\tilde{\sigma_i}} \right)$") LMT2 = [] THETA = [] MODERR = [] # plot a random sample of ns instead? for i in range(ni): # plot log mean and amplitude model = MOD[i] theta = np.sum( model ) LogMeanT2 = np.exp(np.sum( model * np.log( Time.T2Bins ) ) / theta ) LMT2.append(LogMeanT2) THETA.append( np.sum(model) ) MODERR.append( np.linalg.norm(model-tmod) ) CONV = np.array(CONV) THETA = np.array(THETA) MOD = np.array(MOD) MODERR = np.array(MODERR) ############################# # plot all models, 1 colour # ires = ax3r.plot( 1e3*np.tile(Time.T2Bins, (np.sum(np.array(CONV)) ,1)).T , 1e2*MOD.T, color=mDarkTeal, alpha=.01, lw=.5, label="$\mathbf{f}_I$", zorder=0, rasterized=True) lns2, = ax3r.plot(1e3*Time.T2Bins, 1e2*tmod, color=mLightBrown, linewidth=2, label="$\mathbf{f}_T$") handles, labels = ax3r.get_legend_handles_labels() by_label = OrderedDict(zip(labels, handles)) leg3 = ax3r.legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys(), labelspacing=0.2, scatterpoints=1, numpoints=1, frameon=True , loc="upper right") for line in leg3.get_lines(): line.set_linewidth(1) for lh in leg3.legendHandles: lh.set_alpha(1) fixLeg(leg3) ########################### # Error histogram on side # ax3b.hist( 1e2*MODERR, bins='auto', orientation="horizontal", color=mDarkTeal, stacked=True, density=True, range=(0,20)) ax3b.axhline(1e2*np.mean(MODERR), linewidth=1.25, color=mLightBrown) #, color=CMAP(0.7), zorder=1) deSpine(ax3b) ax3b.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip') ax3b.set_ylabel(r"$\Vert \mathbf{f}_I -\mathbf{f}_T \Vert$") # %(m$^3$/m$^3$)") #, color="C0") ax3b.set_xlabel("log probability\ndensity") #, color="C0") ax3.set_xlim( (1e3*Time.T2Bins[0], 1e3*Time.T2Bins[-1]) ) ax3.set_ylim( (0,5) ) ax3.set_xlabel("$T_2$ (ms)") ax3.set_ylabel("partial water content (PU)") #, color="C0") ax3.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip') ax3.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%1.0f')) plt.setp(ax3r.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(ax3r.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) deSpine(ax3) deSpine(ax3r)"pperlin" + str(round(1e1*eval(sys.argv[1]))) + "-" + sys.argv[2] + "-" + sys.argv[3] + "-err", MODERR) plt.savefig("pperlin" + str(round(1e1*eval(sys.argv[1]))) + "-" + sys.argv[2] + "-" + sys.argv[3] + ".pdf", dpi=600, facecolor=offwhite, edgecolor=offwhite)