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RectilinearGridVTKExporter.cpp 8.1KB

  1. /* This file is part of Lemma, a geophysical modelling and inversion API.
  2. * More information is available at http://lemmasoftware.org
  3. */
  4. /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  5. * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  6. * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
  7. */
  8. /**
  9. * @file
  10. * @date 09/25/2013 08:20:14 AM
  11. * @version $Id$
  12. * @author Trevor Irons (ti)
  13. * @email tirons@egi.utah.edu
  14. * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013, Trevor Irons
  15. */
  17. #include "RectilinearGridVTKExporter.h"
  18. namespace Lemma {
  19. // ==================== FRIEND METHODS =====================
  20. std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &stream, const RectilinearGridVTKExporter &ob) {
  21. stream << ob.Serialize() << "\n---\n"; // End of doc
  22. return stream;
  23. }
  24. // ==================== LIFECYCLE =======================
  25. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. // Class: RectilinearGridVTKExporter
  27. // Method: RectilinearGridVTKExporter
  28. // Description: constructor (protected)
  29. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. RectilinearGridVTKExporter::RectilinearGridVTKExporter ( const ctor_key& key ) : LemmaObject( key ), Grid(nullptr), VTKGrid(nullptr) {
  31. } // ----- end of method RectilinearGridVTKExporter::RectilinearGridVTKExporter (constructor) -----
  32. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. // Class: RectilinearGridVTKExporter
  34. // Method: RectilinearGridVTKExporter
  35. // Description: DeSerializing constructor (protected)
  36. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. RectilinearGridVTKExporter::RectilinearGridVTKExporter (const YAML::Node& node, const ctor_key& key) : LemmaObject(node, key) {
  38. if (node["Grid"]) {
  39. this->Grid = RectilinearGrid::DeSerialize( node["Grid"] );
  40. }
  41. } // ----- end of method RectilinearGridVTKExporter::RectilinearGridVTKExporter (constructor) -----
  42. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. // Class: RectilinearGridVTKExporter
  44. // Method: NewSP()
  45. // Description: public constructor
  46. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. std::shared_ptr< RectilinearGridVTKExporter > RectilinearGridVTKExporter::NewSP() {
  48. return std::make_shared< RectilinearGridVTKExporter > ( ctor_key() );
  49. }
  50. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. // Class: RectilinearGridVTKExporter
  52. // Method: ~RectilinearGridVTKExporter
  53. // Description: destructor (protected)
  54. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. RectilinearGridVTKExporter::~RectilinearGridVTKExporter () {
  56. } // ----- end of method RectilinearGridVTKExporter::~RectilinearGridVTKExporter (destructor) -----
  57. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. // Class: RectilinearGridVTKExporter
  59. // Method: GetName
  60. // Description: Class identifier
  61. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. inline std::string RectilinearGridVTKExporter::GetName ( ) const {
  63. return CName;
  64. } // ----- end of method RectilinearGridVTKExporter::GetName -----
  65. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. // Class: RectilinearGridVTKExporter
  67. // Method: SetGrid
  68. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. void RectilinearGridVTKExporter::SetGrid ( std::shared_ptr<RectilinearGrid> GridIn ) {
  70. Grid = GridIn;
  71. // I see no harm in just doing this now.
  72. BuildVTKRectilinearGrid();
  73. return ;
  74. } // ----- end of method RectilinearGridVTKExporter::SetGrid -----
  75. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. // Class: RectilinearGridVTKExporter
  77. // Method: Serialize
  78. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. YAML::Node RectilinearGridVTKExporter::Serialize ( ) const {
  80. YAML::Node node = LemmaObject::Serialize();;
  81. node.SetTag( GetName() );
  82. if (Grid != nullptr) {
  83. node["Grid"] = Grid->Serialize();
  84. }
  85. return node;
  86. } // ----- end of method RectilinearGridVTKExporter::Serialize -----
  87. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. // Class: RectilinearGridVTKExporter
  89. // Method: DeSerialize
  90. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. std::shared_ptr<RectilinearGridVTKExporter> RectilinearGridVTKExporter::DeSerialize ( const YAML::Node& node ) {
  92. if (node.Tag() != "RectilinearGridVTKExporter") {
  93. throw DeSerializeTypeMismatch( "RectilinearGridVTKExporter", node.Tag());
  94. }
  95. return std::make_shared< RectilinearGridVTKExporter >( node, ctor_key() ); //, ctor_key() );
  96. } // ----- end of method RectilinearGridVTKExporter::DeSerialize -----
  97. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  98. // Class: RectilinearGridVTKExporter
  99. // Method: GetVTKRectilinearGrid
  100. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  101. vtkSmartPointer<vtkRectilinearGrid> RectilinearGridVTKExporter::GetVTKGrid ( ) {
  102. return VTKGrid;
  103. } // ----- end of method RectilinearGridVTKExporter::GetVTKRectilinearGrid -----
  104. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  105. // Class: RectilinearGridVTKExporter
  106. // Method: WriteVTKGrid
  107. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108. void RectilinearGridVTKExporter::WriteVTKGrid ( const std::string& fname ) {
  109. vtkXMLRectilinearGridWriter *gridWrite = vtkXMLRectilinearGridWriter::New();
  110. gridWrite->SetInputData(VTKGrid);
  111. gridWrite->SetFileName( (fname+std::string(".vtr")).c_str() );
  112. gridWrite->Update();
  113. gridWrite->Write();
  114. gridWrite->Delete();
  115. return ;
  116. } // ----- end of method RectilinearGridVTKExporter::WriteVTKGrid -----
  117. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. // Class: RectilinearGridVTKExporter
  119. // Method: BuildVTKRectilinearGrid
  120. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  121. void RectilinearGridVTKExporter::BuildVTKRectilinearGrid ( ) {
  122. // Set Coordinate>s
  123. vtkDoubleArray *xCoords = vtkDoubleArray::New();
  124. xCoords->InsertNextValue(Grid->GetOx()-Grid->GetDx(0)/2.);
  125. double xm1 = Grid->GetOx() - Grid->GetDx(0)/2.;
  126. for (int ix=0; ix<Grid->GetNx(); ix++) {
  127. xCoords->InsertNextValue(xm1 + Grid->GetDx(ix));
  128. xm1 += Grid->GetDx(ix);
  129. }
  130. vtkDoubleArray *yCoords = vtkDoubleArray::New();
  131. yCoords->InsertNextValue(Grid->GetOy()-Grid->GetDy(0)/2.);
  132. double ym1 = Grid->GetOy()-Grid->GetDy(0)/2.;
  133. for (int iy=0; iy<Grid->GetNy(); iy++) {
  134. yCoords->InsertNextValue(ym1 + Grid->GetDy(iy));
  135. ym1 += Grid->GetDy(iy);
  136. }
  137. vtkDoubleArray *zCoords = vtkDoubleArray::New();
  138. zCoords->InsertNextValue(Grid->GetOz()-Grid->GetDz(0)/2.);
  139. double zm1 = Grid->GetOz()-Grid->GetDz(0)/2.;
  140. for (int iz=0; iz<Grid->GetNz(); iz++) {
  141. zCoords->InsertNextValue(zm1 + Grid->GetDz(iz));
  142. zm1 += Grid->GetDz(iz);
  143. }
  144. VTKGrid = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRectilinearGrid>::New();
  145. VTKGrid->SetDimensions(Grid->GetNx()+1, Grid->GetNy()+1, Grid->GetNz()+1);
  146. VTKGrid->SetXCoordinates(xCoords);
  147. VTKGrid->SetYCoordinates(yCoords);
  148. VTKGrid->SetZCoordinates(zCoords);
  149. // Clean up
  150. xCoords->Delete();
  151. yCoords->Delete();
  152. zCoords->Delete();
  153. return ;
  154. } // ----- end of method RectilinearGridVTKExporter::BuildVTKRectilinearGrid -----
  155. } // ----- end of Lemma name -----
  156. #endif // ----- not LEMMAUSEVTK -----
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