/* This file is part of Lemma, a geophysical modelling and inversion API */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** @file @author Trevor Irons @date 02/15/2011 @version $Id: digitalfilterintegrator.cpp 87 2013-09-05 22:44:05Z tirons $ **/ #include "digitalfilterintegrator.h" namespace Lemma { // Specialisations to templated class are found here. This means that // DigitalFilterIntegrator is not strictly templated, and must be linked // with lemma for functionality. template < > inline Complex DigitalFilterIntegrator::AbsMax(const Complex& C, const Complex& Cmax) { return Complex(std::max(std::abs(real(C)), std::real(Cmax)), std::max(std::abs(imag(C)), std::imag(Cmax)) ); } template < > Real DigitalFilterIntegrator::AbsMax(const Real& C, const Real& Cmax) { return std::max(C, Cmax); } /////////////////////////////////////////// // Computes the transform y template < > void DigitalFilterIntegrator::Compute(const Real& rho, const int& ntol, const Real& tol) { Real y1 = this->ABSCISSA/rho; this->Key.setZero(); // Check to make sure everything is set if (rho<=0) { throw std::runtime_error("In DigitalFilterIntegrator Argument rho < 0."); } if (this->NumConv<1) { throw std::runtime_error("In DigitalFilterIntegrator NumConv is less than 1."); } if (this->IntKernel == NULL) { throw std::runtime_error("In DigitalFilterIntegrator Unset Kernel Calculator"); } Arg = VectorXr::Zero(this->NumConv); Real y = std::pow(rho*ABSER, this->NumConv-1); if (y <= 0) { std::cerr << "Exponent Underflow Error"; throw std::underflow_error("Exponent underflow"); } this->Work.resize(Eigen::NoChange, this->IntKernel->GetNumRel()); // Main Loop int itol = 0; int none = 0; this->NumFun = 0; int idx = 0; int istore = 0; Real Sum(0.); Real Cmax(0.); Real C(0.); Ans.resize(this->NumConv, this->IntKernel->GetNumRel()); Ans.setZero(); // 1010 Loop for (int ilag=0; ilag < this->NumConv; ++ilag) { istore = this->NumConv - 1 - ilag; if (ilag > 0) y1 *= ABSE; Arg(istore) = ABSCISSA/y1; // 1000 Loop for (int irel=0; irel < this->IntKernel->GetNumRel(); ++irel) { //this->SetBesselOrder(this->Ckernel->GetBesselOrder(irel)); none = 0; itol = ntol; Sum = Real(0); Cmax = Real(0); y = y1; // Begin right side convolution at weight 298 // counting from 0 idx = ilow; y *= ABSE; // Code Block 20 in Anderson do { this->StoreRetreive(idx, ilag, y, Sum, irel, C); Cmax = AbsMax(C, Cmax); ++idx; y *= ABSE; } while (idx <= ihi); //if (real(Cmax) == 0 && imag(Cmax) == 0) none = 1; if (Cmax == Real(0)) none = 1; Cmax *= tol; // Code Block 30 in Anderson do { this->StoreRetreive(idx, ilag, y, Sum, irel, C); if (std::abs(C) <= Cmax) { --itol; if (itol < 0 || idx > FilterWeights.size()-1) break; } else { itol = ntol; } ++idx; y *= ABSE; } while (idx < FilterWeights.size()); itol = ntol; y = y1; // Code Block 60 in Anderson idx = ilow-1; do { this->StoreRetreive(idx, ilag, y, Sum, irel, C); if (std::abs(C) <= Cmax && none == 0) { --itol; if (itol < 0 || idx < 0) break; } else { itol = ntol; } --idx; y *= ABSER; } while (idx>=0); Ans(istore, irel) = Sum/Arg(istore); } // End of 1000 loop } // End of 1010 loop } template < > void DigitalFilterIntegrator::Compute(const Real &rho, const int& ntol, const Real &tol) { Real y1 = this->ABSCISSA/rho; this->Key.setZero(); // Check to make sure everything is set if (rho<=0) { throw std::runtime_error("In DigitalFilterIntegrator Argument rho < 0."); } if (this->NumConv<1) { throw std::runtime_error("In DigitalFilterIntegrator NumConv is less than 1."); } if (this->IntKernel == NULL) { throw std::runtime_error("In DigitalFilterIntegrator Unset Kernel Calculator"); } Arg = VectorXr::Zero(this->NumConv); Real y = std::pow(rho*ABSER, this->NumConv-1); if (y <= 0) { std::cerr << "Exponent Underflow Error"; throw std::underflow_error("Exponent underflow"); } this->Work.resize(Eigen::NoChange, this->IntKernel->GetNumRel()); // Main Loop int itol = 0; int none = 0; this->NumFun = 0; int idx = 0; int istore = 0; Complex Zsum(0.); Complex Cmax(0.); Complex C(0.); Ans.resize(this->NumConv, this->IntKernel->GetNumRel()); Ans.setZero(); // 1010 Loop for (int ilag=0; ilag < this->NumConv; ++ilag) { istore = this->NumConv - 1 - ilag; if (ilag > 0) y1 *= ABSE; Arg(istore) = ABSCISSA/y1; // 1000 Loop for (int irel=0; irel < this->IntKernel->GetNumRel(); ++irel) { //this->SetBesselOrder(this->Ckernel->GetBesselOrder(irel)); none = 0; itol = ntol; Zsum = Complex(0); Cmax = Complex(0); y = y1; // Begin right side convolution at weight 298 // counting from 0 idx = ilow; y *= ABSE; // Code Block 20 in Anderson do { this->StoreRetreive(idx, ilag, y, Zsum, irel, C); Cmax = AbsMax(C, Cmax); ++idx; y *= ABSE; } while (idx <= ihi); //if (real(Cmax) == 0 && imag(Cmax) == 0) none = 1; if (Cmax == Complex(0)) none = 1; Cmax *= tol; // Code Block 30 in Anderson do { this->StoreRetreive(idx, ilag, y, Zsum, irel, C); if ( std::abs(real(C)) <= real(Cmax) && std::abs(imag(C)) <= imag(Cmax) ) { --itol; if (itol < 0 || idx > FilterWeights.size()-1) break; } else { itol = ntol; } ++idx; y *= ABSE; } while (idx < FilterWeights.size()); itol = ntol; y = y1; // Code Block 60 in Anderson idx = ilow-1; do { this->StoreRetreive(idx, ilag, y, Zsum, irel, C); if ( std::abs(real(C)) <= real(Cmax) && std::abs(imag(C)) <= imag(Cmax) && none == 0 ) { --itol; if (itol < 0 || idx < 0) break; } else { itol = ntol; } --idx; y *= ABSER; } while (idx>=0); Ans(istore, irel) = Zsum/Arg(istore); } // End of 1000 loop } // End of 1010 loop } } // ----- end of Lemma name -----