/* This file is part of Lemma, a geophysical modelling and inversion API */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** @file @author Trevor Irons @date 05/18/2010 @version $Id: PolygonalWireAntenna.cpp 211 2015-02-27 05:43:26Z tirons $ **/ #include "PolygonalWireAntenna.h" namespace Lemma { std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &stream, const PolygonalWireAntenna &ob) { stream << ob.Serialize() << "\n---\n"; // End of doc --- as a direct stream should encapulste thingy return stream; } // ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================= PolygonalWireAntenna::PolygonalWireAntenna( const ctor_key& key ) : WireAntenna( WireAntenna::ctor_key() ), minDipoleRatio(.15), minDipoleMoment(1e-6), maxDipoleMoment(1e1), rRepeat(1e10,1e10,1e10) { Points.setZero(); //rRepeat.setOnes(); } PolygonalWireAntenna::PolygonalWireAntenna( const YAML::Node& node, const ctor_key& ) : WireAntenna(node, WireAntenna::ctor_key() ) { minDipoleRatio = node["minDipoleRatio"].as(); maxDipoleMoment = node["maxDipoleMoment"].as(); minDipoleMoment = node["minDipoleMoment"].as(); } PolygonalWireAntenna::~PolygonalWireAntenna() { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: PolygonalWireAntenna // Method: Serialize //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YAML::Node PolygonalWireAntenna::Serialize ( ) const { YAML::Node node = WireAntenna::Serialize(); node.SetTag( this->GetName() ); node["minDipoleRatio"] = minDipoleRatio; node["maxDipoleMoment"] = maxDipoleMoment; node["minDipoleMoment"] = minDipoleMoment; return node; } // ----- end of method PolygonalWireAntenna::Serialize ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: WireAntenna // Method: DeSerialize //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::shared_ptr PolygonalWireAntenna::DeSerialize ( const YAML::Node& node ) { if (node.Tag() != "PolygonalWireAntenna") { throw DeSerializeTypeMismatch( "PolygonalWireAntenna", node.Tag()); } return std::make_shared ( node, ctor_key() ); } // ----- end of method WireAntenna::DeSerialize ----- std::shared_ptr PolygonalWireAntenna::NewSP() { return std::make_shared( ctor_key() ); } std::shared_ptr PolygonalWireAntenna::Clone() const { auto copy = PolygonalWireAntenna::NewSP(); copy->minDipoleRatio = this->minDipoleRatio; copy->minDipoleMoment = this->minDipoleMoment; copy->maxDipoleMoment = this->maxDipoleMoment; copy->NumberOfPoints = this->NumberOfPoints; copy->Freqs = this->Freqs; copy->Current = this->Current; copy->NumberOfTurns = this->NumberOfTurns; copy->Points = this->Points; //copy->Dipoles = this->Dipoles; // no, disaster return copy; } std::shared_ptr PolygonalWireAntenna::ClonePA() const { auto copy = PolygonalWireAntenna::NewSP(); copy->minDipoleRatio = this->minDipoleRatio; copy->minDipoleMoment = this->minDipoleMoment; copy->maxDipoleMoment = this->maxDipoleMoment; copy->NumberOfPoints = this->NumberOfPoints; copy->Freqs = this->Freqs; copy->Current = this->Current; copy->NumberOfTurns = this->NumberOfTurns; copy->Points = this->Points; //copy->Dipoles = this->Dipoles; // no, disaster return copy; } void PolygonalWireAntenna::SetMinDipoleRatio (const Real& ratio) { minDipoleRatio = ratio; } void PolygonalWireAntenna::SetMinDipoleMoment (const Real& m) { minDipoleMoment = m; } void PolygonalWireAntenna::SetMaxDipoleMoment (const Real& m) { maxDipoleMoment = m; } // ==================== OPERATIONS ======================= void PolygonalWireAntenna::ApproximateWithElectricDipoles(const Vector3r &rp) { // Only resplit if necessary. Save a few cycles if repeated if ( (rRepeat-rp).norm() > 1e-16 ) { Dipoles.clear(); // loop over all segments for (int iseg=0; isegSetFrequencies(Freqs); } } } Vector3r PolygonalWireAntenna::ClosestPointOnLine(const Vector3r &p1, const Vector3r &p2, const Vector3r &tp) { Vector3r v1 = p2 - p1; Vector3r v2 = p1 - tp; Vector3r v3 = p1 - p2; Vector3r v4 = p2 - tp; Real dot1 = v2.dot(v1); Real dot2 = v1.dot(v1); Real dot3 = v4.dot(v3); Real dot4 = v3.dot(v3); Real t1 = -1.*dot1/dot2; Real t2 = -1.*dot3/dot4; Vector3r pos = p1+v1*t1 ; // check if on line // else give back the closest end point if ( t1>=0 && t2>=0. ) { return pos; } else if (t1<0) { return p1; } else { return p2; } } void PolygonalWireAntenna::PushXYZDipoles(const Vector3r &step, const Vector3r &cp, const Vector3r &dir, std::vector< std::shared_ptr > &xDipoles) { Real scale = (Real)(NumberOfTurns)*Current; auto tx = DipoleSource::NewSP(); tx->SetLocation(cp); tx->SetType(UNGROUNDEDELECTRICDIPOLE); tx->SetPolarisation(dir); tx->SetFrequencies(Freqs); tx->SetMoment(scale*step.norm()); xDipoles.push_back(tx); } void PolygonalWireAntenna::CorrectOverstepXYZDipoles(const Vector3r &step, const Vector3r &cp, const Vector3r &dir, std::vector< std::shared_ptr > &xDipoles ) { Real scale = (Real)(NumberOfTurns)*Current; // X oriented dipoles if (step.norm() > minDipoleMoment) { xDipoles[xDipoles.size()-1]->SetLocation(cp); xDipoles[xDipoles.size()-1]->SetMoment(scale*step.norm()); } } void PolygonalWireAntenna::InterpolateLineSegment(const Vector3r &p1, const Vector3r &p2, const Vector3r & tp) { Vector3r phat = (p1-p2).array() / (p1-p2).norm(); Vector3r c = this->ClosestPointOnLine(p1, p2, tp); Real dtp = (tp-c).norm(); // distance to point at c Real dc1 = (p1-c).norm(); // distance to c from p1 Real dc2 = (p2-c).norm(); // distance to c from p1 // unit vector Vector3r cdir = (p2-p1).array() / (p2-p1).norm(); /////////////////// // dipoles for this segment std::vector< std::shared_ptr > xDipoles; // go towards p1 if ( ((c-p1).array().abs() > minDipoleMoment).any() ) { // cp = current pos, lp = last pos Vector3r cp = c + phat*(dtp*minDipoleRatio)*.5; Vector3r lp = c; Real dist = (cp-p1).norm(); Real dist_old = dist+1.; // check that we didn't run past the end, or that we aren't starting at // the end, or that initial step runs over! Vector3r dir = (p1-cp).array() / (p1-cp).norm(); // direction of movement Vector3r step = phat*(dtp*minDipoleRatio); Vector3r stepold = Vector3r::Zero(); // (dir-phat) just shows if we are stepping towards or away from p1 while (dist < dist_old && (dir-phat).norm() < 1e-8) { PushXYZDipoles(step, cp, cdir, xDipoles); // Make 1/2 of previous step, 1/2 of this step, store this step stepold = step; step = phat*( (cp-tp).norm()*minDipoleRatio ); while ( (step.array().abs() > maxDipoleMoment).any() ) { step *= .5; } lp = cp; cp += .5*stepold + .5*step; dist = (cp-p1).norm(); dir = (p1-cp).array() / (p1-cp).norm(); } // cp now points to end last of dipole moments cp -= .5*step; // Fix last dipole position, so that entire wire is represented, // and no more Real distLastSeg = (c - cp).norm(); if (distLastSeg + minDipoleMoment < dc1) { // case 1: understep, add dipole step = (p1-cp).array(); cp += .5*step; PushXYZDipoles(step, cp, cdir, xDipoles); } else if (distLastSeg > dc1 + minDipoleMoment) { // case 2: overstep, reposition dipole and size step = (p1 - (lp-.5*stepold)); cp = (lp-.5*stepold) + (.5*step); CorrectOverstepXYZDipoles(step, cp, cdir, xDipoles); } // else case 0: nearly 'perfect' fit do nothing } // go towards p2 if ( ( (c-p2).array().abs() > minDipoleMoment).any() ) { // cp = current pos, lp = last pos Vector3r step = -phat*(dtp*minDipoleRatio); while ( (step.array().abs() > maxDipoleMoment).any() ) { step *= .5; } Vector3r cp = c + step*.5; Vector3r lp = c; Real dist = (p2-cp).norm(); Real dist_old = dist+1e3; // check that we didn't run past the end, or that we aren't starting at // the end, or that initial step runs over! Vector3r dir = (p2-cp).array() / (p2-cp).norm(); // direction of movement Vector3r stepold = Vector3r::Zero(); // (dir-phat) just shows if we are stepping towards or away from p1 while (dist < dist_old && (dir+phat).norm() < 1e-8) { PushXYZDipoles(step, cp, cdir, xDipoles); // Make 1/2 of previous step, 1/2 of this step, store this step stepold = step; step = -phat*( (cp-tp).norm()*minDipoleRatio ); while ( (step.array().abs() > maxDipoleMoment).any() ) { step *= .5; } lp = cp; cp += .5*stepold + .5*step; dist = (cp-p2).norm(); dir = (p2-cp).array() / (p2-cp).norm(); } // cp now points to end last of dipole moments cp -= .5*step; // Fix last dipole position, so that entire wire is represented, // and no more Real distLastSeg = (c - cp).norm(); if (distLastSeg + minDipoleMoment < dc2) { // case 1: understep, add dipole step = (p2-cp).array(); cp += .5*step; PushXYZDipoles(step, cp, cdir, xDipoles); } else if (distLastSeg > dc2 + minDipoleMoment) { // case 2: overstep, reposition dipole and size step = (p2 - (lp-.5*stepold)); cp = (lp-.5*stepold) + (.5*step); CorrectOverstepXYZDipoles(step, cp, cdir, xDipoles); } // else case 0: nearly 'perfect' fit do nothing } Dipoles.insert(Dipoles.end(), xDipoles.begin(), xDipoles.end()); } }