/* This file is part of Lemma, a geophysical modelling and inversion API. * More information is available at http://lemmasoftware.org */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* Original code is port of algorithm published by Key2011 %------------------------------------------------------------------% % Copyright (c) 2012 by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists. % % For more information, go to http://software.seg.org/2012/0003 . % % You must read and accept usage terms at: % % http://software.seg.org/disclaimer.txt before use. % %------------------------------------------------------------------% */ /** * @file * @date 02/12/2014 10:28:15 AM * @author Trevor Irons (ti) * @email Trevor.Irons@lemmasoftware.org * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014, Trevor Irons */ #include "QWEKey.h" namespace Lemma { // ==================== FRIEND METHODS ===================== std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const QWEKey &ob) { stream << ob.Serialize() << "\n---\n"; // End of doc --- return stream; } // ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================= //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: QWEKey // Method: QWEKey // Description: constructor (protected) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QWEKey::QWEKey (const ctor_key& ) : HankelTransform( ), RelTol(1e-12), AbsTol(1e-32), nQuad(61), nDelay(1), //QWEKey::QWEKey (const std::string& name) : HankelTransform(name), RelTol(1e-38), AbsTol(1e-48), nQuad(39), nDelay(5), nIntervalsMax(40) { BesselWeights( J0 ); // TODO experiment with zero weight (J0, J1) options, should be static one time method } // ----- end of method QWEKey::QWEKey (constructor) ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: QWEKey // Method: QWEKey // Description: constructor (locked) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QWEKey::QWEKey( const YAML::Node& node, const ctor_key& ) : HankelTransform(node) { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: QWEKey // Method: New() // Description: public constructor //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::shared_ptr QWEKey::NewSP() { return std::make_shared( ctor_key() ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: QWEKey // Method: ~QWEKey // Description: destructor (protected) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QWEKey::~QWEKey () { } // ----- end of method QWEKey::~QWEKey (destructor) ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: QWEKey // Method: DeSerialize // Description: Factory method, converts YAML node into object //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::shared_ptr QWEKey::DeSerialize( const YAML::Node& node ) { if (node.Tag() != "QWEKey") { throw DeSerializeTypeMismatch( "QWEKey", node.Tag()); } return std::make_shared ( node, ctor_key() ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: QWEKey // Method: Serialize // Description: Converts object into Serialized version //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YAML::Node QWEKey::Serialize() const { YAML::Node node = HankelTransform::Serialize(); node.SetTag( GetName() ); //node["LayerConductivity"] = LayerConductivity; return node; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: QWEKey // Method: GetName // Description: Class identifier //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline std::string QWEKey::GetName ( ) const { return CName; } // ----- end of method QWEKey::GetName ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: QWEKey // Method: Zgauss //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complex QWEKey::Zgauss ( const int &ikk, const EMMODE &imode, const int &itype, const Real &rho, const Real &wavef, KernelEM1DBase *Kernel ) { return Textrap(Kernel->GetManagerIndex(), Tn(Kernel->GetManagerIndex())) ; } // ----- end of method QWEKey::Zgauss ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: QWEKey // Method: ComputeRelated //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QWEKey::ComputeRelated ( const Real& rho, std::shared_ptr Kernel ) { return ; } // ----- end of method QWEKey::ComputeRelated ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: QWEKey // Method: ComputeRelated //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QWEKey::ComputeRelated ( const Real& rho, std::vector< std::shared_ptr > KernelVec ) { return ; } // ----- end of method QWEKey::ComputeRelated ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: QWEKey // Method: ComputeRelated //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QWEKey::ComputeRelated ( const Real& rho, std::shared_ptr KernelManagerIn ) { KernelManager = KernelManagerIn; // OK becauase this is internal and we know what we are doing Lambda = Bx.array()/rho; Intervals = xInt.array()/rho; int nrel = (int)(KernelManager->GetSTLVector().size()); Zans = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(1, nrel); QWE(rho); return ; } // ----- end of method QWEKey::ComputeRelated ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: QWEKey // Method: GaussQuadWeights //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QWEKey::GaussQuadWeights(const int& N) { VectorXr Nv = VectorXr::LinSpaced(N-1, 1, N-1); VectorXr beta = 0.5 / (1.-(2.*Nv.array()).pow(-2)).sqrt(); MatrixXr T = MatrixXr::Zero(N,N); //std::cerr << "Eigen ERROR BELOW, QWEKey.cpp QWEKey::GaussQuadWeights, COMMENTED OUT "; T.bottomLeftCorner(N-1, N-1) = beta.asDiagonal(); Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver eig( T.selfadjointView< Eigen::Lower >() ); GaussAbscissa = eig.eigenvalues(); GaussWeights = 2.*eig.eigenvectors().row(0).array().pow(2); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: QWEKey // Method: BesselWeights //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef HAVE_BOOST_SPECIAL_FUNCTIONS void QWEKey::BesselWeights ( const sZeroType& sType ) { GaussQuadWeights(nQuad); // TODO should this be moved out of initializer? std::vector bz; xInt = VectorXr(nIntervalsMax+1); xInt(0) = 1e-20; switch (sType) { case J0: boost::math::cyl_bessel_j_zero(0.0, 1, nIntervalsMax, std::back_inserter(bz)); xInt.tail(nIntervalsMax) = VectorXr::Map(&bz[0], nIntervalsMax); break; case J1: boost::math::cyl_bessel_j_zero(1.0, 1, nIntervalsMax, std::back_inserter(bz)); xInt.tail(nIntervalsMax) = VectorXr::Map(&bz[0], nIntervalsMax); break; case NPI: xInt << 1e-20, VectorXr::LinSpaced(nIntervalsMax, 1, nIntervalsMax).array() * PI; break; } VectorXr dx = ( xInt.tail(nIntervalsMax) - xInt.head(nIntervalsMax) ).array() / 2.; // x = GaussAbscissa // dx in every row GaussWeights+1 rows, cols = n // dx[0] dx[1] ... dx[N] Gw[0] Gw[0] ... ndX // dx[0] dx[1] ... dx[N] Gw[1] MatrixXr Bxm = (dx.transpose().replicate(GaussAbscissa.size(), 1)).eval().array() * ((GaussAbscissa.replicate(1, dx.size()).array() + 1.)); Bxm.array() += xInt.head(Bxm.cols()).transpose().replicate( Bxm.rows(), 1 ).array(); Bx = VectorXr::Map( &Bxm(0,0), Bxm.size() ); BJ0 = VectorXr(Bx.size()); BJ1 = VectorXr(Bx.size()); int iw = 0; for (int ii=0; iiGetSTLVector().size()); // TODO GREMLINS LIVE IN HERE MatrixXcr prev = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(1, nrel); for (int i=0; i0; --k) { Complex aux1 = aux2; aux2 = TS(j,k-1); Complex ddff = TS(j,k) - aux2; if (std::abs(ddff) < std::numeric_limits::min() ) { TS(j,k-1) = std::numeric_limits::max() ; } else { TS(j,k-1) = aux1 + 1./ddff; } } // The extrapolated result plus the prev integration term: Textrap(j,n) = TS(j, (n-1)%2)+prev(0, j); //Textrap(j,n) = TS(j, n%2 + 1)+prev(0, j); // Step 3: Analyze for convergence: if (n > 1) { TabsErr(j,n) = std::abs( Textrap(j, n) - Textrap(j, n-1)); TrelErr(j,n) = TabsErr(j, n) / std::abs(Textrap(j, n)) ; Converged(j) = TrelErr(j,n) < RelTol + AbsTol/std::abs(Textrap(j,n)); } } } if ( Converged.all() == 1 ) break; } // Trim up results // Clean up the T structure arrays? We can't really do this // because they are fixed size, maybe see how they are used and // init to zero. If they are only summed we are OK. /* for (int j = 0; jGetSTLVector().size()); Eigen::Matrix Zwork = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(nQuad, nrel); for (int ik=0; ikComputeReflectionCoeffs( Lambda(bidx+ik), idx, rho ); for (int ir2=0; ir2GetSTLVector()[ir2]->RelBesselArg(Lambda(bidx+ik))); } } Real bma = (Intervals(i+1)-Intervals(i))/2; for (int ir2=0; ir2GetSTLVector()[ir2]->GetBesselOrder() == 0) { Zans(0, ir2) = bma * Zwork.col(ir2).dot( BJ0.segment(bidx, nQuad) ); // / rho; } else { Zans(0, ir2) = bma * Zwork.col(ir2).dot( BJ1.segment(bidx, nQuad) ); // / rho; } } // fcount += nQuad return ; } // ----- end of method QWEKey::getEyKernel ----- void QWEKey::TestPrivate(const int& N) { //GaussQuadWeights(N); //std::cout << "abscissa\n" << GaussAbscissa << std::endl; //std::cout << "weights\n" << GaussWeights << std::endl; BesselWeights( J1 ); //BesselZeros(0, N); std::cout << std::scientific; std::cout << "BJ0" << BJ0 << std::endl; std::cout << "BJ1" << BJ1 << std::endl; //std::cout << "Bess Zero\n" << xInt << std::endl; } } // ----- end of Lemma name -----