/** * Trevor P. Irons, XRI Geophysics, LLC * Test of Coloumbic Magnetic Potential */ lc = .01; // Target element size R = .25; // Magnet Radius D0 = 10; // Top of magnet D1 = 11; // Bottom of magnet // Total Solution Space X0 = -1.; X1 = 1.; Y0 = -1.; Y1 = 1.; Z0 = 9.5; Z1 = 11.5; //////////////////////////////////// // North Pole p = newp; dd = 5; d = lc/(1*dd); Point(p) = { 0, 0, D0, lc/dd}; Point(p+1) = { R, d, D0, lc/dd}; Point(p+2) = { R, -d, D0, lc/dd}; Point(p+3) = {-R, d, D0, lc/dd}; Point(p+4) = {-R, -d, D0, lc/dd}; // Connect up the points c = newc; Circle(c) = {p+3, p, p+1}; c2 = newc; Circle(c2) = {p+4, p, p+2}; ss = news; ss = Extrude {0, 0, D1-D0} { Line{c}; }; ss2 = news; ss2 = Extrude {0, 0, D1-D0} { Line{c2}; }; //Symmetry { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 }{Duplicata{Surface{ss[1]};}} //lcs = newl; //lcs = Symmetry { 0.0, 0.0,.0001, 0.0 }{Duplicata{Line{c};}}; //lcs = //Symmetry { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }{Duplicata{Line{c};}} //Symmetry {0, 0, 120, 0} { // Duplicata{Surface{ss[1]};} //} //ss2 = news; //ss = Extrude {0, 0, D1-D0} { Line{c, lcs}; }; //ss2 = Extrude {0, 0, D1-D0} { Line{l, lcs}; }; //Symmetry {1,0,0,0}{ Duplicata{Surface{ss[1]};}}; //Symmetry{ expression-list }{ transform-list }: //ss2 = news; //ss2 = Extrude {0, 0, D1-D0} { Line{c2, l2}; }; ///////////////////////////////////// // Large Bounding box pp = newp; Point(pp) = {X0, Y0, Z0, lc}; Point(pp+1) = {X1, Y0, Z0, lc}; Point(pp+2) = {X1, Y1, Z0, lc}; Point(pp+3) = {X0, Y1, Z0, lc}; lv = newl; Line(lv) = {pp,pp+1}; Line(lv+1) = {pp+1,pp+2}; Line(lv+2) = {pp+2,pp+3}; Line(lv+3) = {pp+3,pp}; Line Loop(lv+4) = {lv, lv+1, lv+2, lv+3}; // Hard coded doom Plane Surface(125) = {lv+4}; //v = newv; v[] = Extrude {0, 0, Z1-Z0} { Surface{125}; }; Surface{ss[1]} In Volume{v[1]}; Surface{ss2[1]} In Volume{v[1]}; Physical Volume(1) = {v[1]}; //Physical Volume("minus") = {1}; //Physical Volume("background") = {3}; //Coherence; //Coherence; //Mesh.RecombineAll = 1;