// =========================================================================== // // Filename: FEM4EllipticPDE.cpp // // Created: 08/16/12 18:19:57 // Compiler: Tested with g++, icpc, and MSVC 2010 // // Author: Trevor Irons (ti) // // Organisation: Colorado School of Mines (CSM) // United States Geological Survey (USGS) // University of Utah (UU), 2016 // // Email: tirons@egi.utah.edu // // =========================================================================== /** @file @author Trevor Irons @date 08/16/12 @version 0.0 **/ #include "FEM4EllipticPDE.h" namespace Lemma { #ifdef HAVE_YAMLCPP std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &stream, const FEM4EllipticPDE &ob) { stream << ob.Serialize() << "\n---\n"; // End of doc --- as a direct stream should encapulste thingy return stream; } #else std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const FEM4EllipticPDE &ob) { stream << *(LemmaObject*)(&ob); return stream; } #endif // ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================= FEM4EllipticPDE::FEM4EllipticPDE(const std::string&name) : LemmaObject(name), BndryH(10), BndrySigma(10), vtkSigma(nullptr), vtkG(nullptr), vtkGrid(nullptr), gFcn3(nullptr) { } #ifdef HAVE_YAMLCPP //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: FEM4EllipticPDE // Method: FEM4EllipticPDE // Description: DeSerializing constructor (protected) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEM4EllipticPDE::FEM4EllipticPDE (const YAML::Node& node) : LemmaObject(node) { // TODO impliment throw std::runtime_error("FEM4ELLIPTICPDE YAML CONSTRUCTOR NOT IMPLIMENTED!"); } // ----- end of method FEM4EllipticPDE::FEM4EllipticPDE (constructor) ----- #endif FEM4EllipticPDE::~FEM4EllipticPDE() { } void FEM4EllipticPDE::Release() { delete this; } FEM4EllipticPDE* FEM4EllipticPDE::New( ) { FEM4EllipticPDE* Obj = new FEM4EllipticPDE("FEM4EllipticPDE"); Obj->AttachTo(Obj); return Obj; } void FEM4EllipticPDE::Delete() { this->DetachFrom(this); } #ifdef HAVE_YAMLCPP //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: FEM4EllipticPDE // Method: Serialize //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YAML::Node FEM4EllipticPDE::Serialize ( ) const { YAML::Node node = LemmaObject::Serialize();; node.SetTag( this->Name ); // FILL IN CLASS SPECIFICS HERE return node; } // ----- end of method FEM4EllipticPDE::Serialize ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: FEM4EllipticPDE // Method: DeSerialize //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEM4EllipticPDE* FEM4EllipticPDE::DeSerialize ( const YAML::Node& node ) { FEM4EllipticPDE* Object = new FEM4EllipticPDE(node); Object->AttachTo(Object); DESERIALIZECHECK( node, Object ) return Object ; } // ----- end of method FEM4EllipticPDE::DeSerialize ----- #endif // ==================== OPERATIONS ======================= void FEM4EllipticPDE::SetSigmaFunction(vtkImplicitFunction* sigma) { vtkSigma = sigma; } void FEM4EllipticPDE::SetBoundaryStep(const Real& h) { BndryH = h; } void FEM4EllipticPDE::SetGFunction(vtkImplicitFunction* g) { vtkG = g; } void FEM4EllipticPDE::SetGFunction( Real (*gFcn)(const Real&, const Real&, const Real&) ) { // vtkG = g; gFcn3 = gFcn; } void FEM4EllipticPDE::SetGrid(vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid) { vtkGrid = grid; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: FEM4EllipticPDE // Method: SetVTUGridFile //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FEM4EllipticPDE::SetVTUGridFile ( std::string& fname ) { std::cout << "Loading VTK .vtu file " << fname; vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader* MeshReader = vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader::New(); MeshReader->SetFileName(fname.c_str()); MeshReader->Update(); //vtkGrid->DeepCopy( MeshReader->GetOutput() ); //vtkGrid->ShallowCopy( MeshReader->GetOutput() ); vtkGrid = MeshReader->GetOutput(); MeshReader->Delete(); std::cout << " Finished! " << std::endl; return ; } // ----- end of method FEM4EllipticPDE::SetVTKGridFile ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: FEM4EllipticPDE // Method: SetVTUGridFile //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FEM4EllipticPDE::SetVTUGridFile ( char* fname ) { std::cout << "Loading VTK .vtu file " << fname; vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader* MeshReader = vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader::New(); MeshReader->SetFileName(fname); MeshReader->Update(); //vtkGrid->DeepCopy( MeshReader->GetOutput() ); //vtkGrid->ShallowCopy( MeshReader->GetOutput() ); vtkGrid = MeshReader->GetOutput(); if (!vtkGrid->GetNumberOfCells()) { throw std::runtime_error("In FEM4EllipticPDE::SetVTUGridFile NUMBER OF CELLS = 0"); } if (!vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints()) { throw std::runtime_error("In FEM4EllipticPDE::SetVTUGridFile NUMBER OF POINTS = 0"); } MeshReader->Delete(); std::cout << " Finished! " << std::endl; return ; } // ----- end of method FEM4EllipticPDE::SetVTKGridFile ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: FEM4EllipticPDE // Method: GetConnectedPoints // (C) Joe Capriotti 2013 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vtkSmartPointer FEM4EllipticPDE::GetConnectedPoints(const int& id0) { vtkSmartPointer pointIds = vtkSmartPointer::New(); vtkSmartPointer cellList = vtkSmartPointer::New(); vtkGrid->GetPointCells(id0, cellList); for(int i=0;iGetNumberOfIds(); ++i){ vtkCell* cell = vtkGrid->GetCell(cellList->GetId(i)); if(cell->GetNumberOfEdges() > 0){ for(int j=0; jGetNumberOfEdges(); ++j){ vtkCell* edge = cell->GetEdge(j); vtkIdList* edgePoints=edge->GetPointIds(); if(edgePoints->GetId(0)==id0){ pointIds->InsertUniqueId(edgePoints->GetId(1)); } else if(edgePoints->GetId(1)==id0){ pointIds->InsertUniqueId(edgePoints->GetId(0)); } } } } return pointIds; } // ----- end of method FEM4EllipticPDE::GetConnectedPoints ----- Real FEM4EllipticPDE::dist(Real r0[3], Real r1[3]) { Real rm0 = r1[0] - r0[0]; Real rm1 = r1[1] - r0[1]; Real rm2 = r1[2] - r0[2]; return std::sqrt( rm0*rm0 + rm1*rm1 + rm2*rm2 ); } Real FEM4EllipticPDE::dist(const Vector3r& r0, const Vector3r& r1) { Real rm0 = r1[0] - r0[0]; Real rm1 = r1[1] - r0[1]; Real rm2 = r1[2] - r0[2]; return std::sqrt( rm0*rm0 + rm1*rm1 + rm2*rm2 ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: FEM4EllipticPDE // Method: SetupDC //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FEM4EllipticPDE::SetupDC ( DCSurvey* Survey, const int& ij ) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load vector g, solution vector u std::cout << "\nBuilding load vector (g)" << std::endl; g = VectorXr::Zero(vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints()); std::cout << "made g with " << vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints() << " pnts" << std::endl; int iia(0); Real jja(0); Survey->GetA( ij, iia, jja ); //g(ii) = jj; int iib(0); Real jjb(0); Survey->GetB( ij, iib, jjb ); //g(ii) = jj; /* 3D Phi */ for (int ic=0; ic < vtkGrid->GetNumberOfCells(); ++ic) { // Eigen::Matrix C = Eigen::Matrix::Zero() ; // for (int ii=0; ii<4; ++ii) { // double* pts = vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetPoints()->GetPoint(ii); //[ipc] ; // C(ii, 0) = 1; // C(ii, 1) = pts[0]; // C(ii, 2) = pts[1]; // C(ii, 3) = pts[2]; // } // Real V = (1./6.) * C.determinant(); // volume of tetrahedra // vtkIdList* Ids = vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetPointIds(); int ID[4]; ID[0] = Ids->GetId(0); ID[1] = Ids->GetId(1); ID[2] = Ids->GetId(2); ID[3] = Ids->GetId(3); //Real V = C.determinant(); // volume of tetrahedra Real sum(0); if (ID[0] == iia || ID[1] == iia || ID[2] == iia || ID[3] == iia ) { std::cout << "Caught A electrode, injecting " << iia << std::endl; //sum = 10; //g(ID[iia]) += jja; g(iia) += jja; } if (ID[0] == iib || ID[1] == iib || ID[2] == iib || ID[3] == iib) { //sum = -10; std::cout << "Caught B electrode, injecting " << iib << std::endl; //g(ID[iib]) += jjb; g(iib) += jjb; } //g(ID[0]) = sum; //(V/4.) * sum; // Why 3, Why!!!? std::cout << "\r" << (int)(1e2*((float)(ic) / (float)(vtkGrid->GetNumberOfCells()))) << std::flush ; } return ; } // ----- end of method FEM4EllipticPDE::SetupDC ----- void FEM4EllipticPDE::Solve( const std::string& resfile ) { ConstructAMatrix(); //SetupLineSourcePotential(); if (vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G") ) { SetupSurfaceSourcePotential(); } else if (vtkGrid->GetCellData()->GetScalars("G") ) { SetupPotential(); } //ConstructLoadVector(); std::cout << "\nSolving" << std::endl; std::cout << std::setw(5) << " " << std::setw(14) << "rows" << std::setw(14) << "cols" << std::endl; std::cout << std::setw(5) << " " << std::setw(14) << "--------" << std::setw(14) << "--------" << std::endl; std::cout << std::setw(5) << "A:" << std::setw(14) << A.rows() << std::setw(14) << A.cols() << std::endl; std::cout << std::setw(5) << "g:" << std::setw(14) << g.rows() << std::setw(14) << g.cols() << std::endl; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Solving: //Eigen::SimplicialCholesky, Eigen::Lower > chol(A); // performs a Cholesky factorization of A //VectorXr u = chol.solve(g); //#define LUSOLVE #ifdef LUSOLVE Eigen::SparseLU, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering > solver; std::cout << "LU analyze pattern" << std::endl; solver.analyzePattern(A); std::cout << "LU factorizing" << std::endl; solver.factorize(A); std::cout << "LU solving" << std::endl; solver.factorize(A); VectorXr u = solver.solve(g); #endif #define CGSOLVE #ifdef CGSOLVE // TODO try IncompleteLUT preconditioner Eigen::BiCGSTAB > cg(A); //cg.setMaxIterations(3000); //cg.setTolerance(1e-28); VectorXr u = cg.solve(g); std::cout << "#iterations: " << cg.iterations() << std::endl; std::cout << "estimated error: " << cg.error() << std::endl; #endif vtkDoubleArray *gArray = vtkDoubleArray::New(); vtkDoubleArray *uArray = vtkDoubleArray::New(); uArray->SetNumberOfComponents(1); gArray->SetNumberOfComponents(1); for (int iu = 0; iuInsertTuple1(iu, u[iu]); gArray->InsertTuple1(iu, g[iu]); } uArray->SetName("u"); gArray->SetName("g"); vtkGrid->GetPointData()->AddArray(uArray); vtkGrid->GetPointData()->AddArray(gArray); vtkXMLDataSetWriter *Writer = vtkXMLDataSetWriter::New(); Writer->SetInputData(vtkGrid); Writer->SetFileName(resfile.c_str()); Writer->Write(); Writer->Delete(); gArray->Delete(); uArray->Delete(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: FEM4EllipticPDE // Method: ConstructAMatrix //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FEM4EllipticPDE::ConstructAMatrix ( ) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Build stiffness matrix (A) std::cout << "Building Stiffness Matrix (A) " << std::endl; std::cout << "\tMesh has " << vtkGrid->GetNumberOfCells() << " cells " << std::endl; std::cout << "\tMesh has " << vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints() << " points " << std::endl; //Eigen::SparseMatrix A.resize(vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints(), vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints()); std::vector< Eigen::Triplet > coeffs; if ( !vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("HomogeneousDirichlet") ) { throw std::runtime_error("No HomogeneousDirichlet boundary conditions in input file."); } if ( !vtkGrid->GetCellData()->GetScalars("G") && !vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G") ) { throw std::runtime_error("No Cell or Point Data G"); } bool GCell = false; if ( vtkGrid->GetCellData()->GetScalars("G") ) { GCell = true; } // Here we iterate over all of the cells for (int ic=0; ic < vtkGrid->GetNumberOfCells(); ++ic) { assert ( vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetNumberOfPoints() == 4 ); // TODO, in production code we might not want to do this check here if ( vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetNumberOfPoints() != 4 ) { throw std::runtime_error("Non-tetrahedral mesh encountered!"); } // construct coordinate matrix C Eigen::Matrix C = Eigen::Matrix::Zero() ; for (int ii=0; ii<4; ++ii) { double* pts = vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetPoints()->GetPoint(ii); //[ipc] ; C(ii, 0) = 1; C(ii, 1) = pts[0] ; C(ii, 2) = pts[1] ; C(ii, 3) = pts[2] ; } Eigen::Matrix GradPhi = C.inverse(); // nabla \phi Real V = (1./6.) * C.determinant(); // volume of tetrahedra vtkIdList* Ids = vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetPointIds(); int ID[4]; ID[0] = Ids->GetId(0); ID[1] = Ids->GetId(1); ID[2] = Ids->GetId(2); ID[3] = Ids->GetId(3); Real sigma_bar(0); // TEST VOID IN SIGMA!! TODO DON"T KEEP THIS /* Real xc = C.col(1).array().mean(); Real yc = C.col(2).array().mean(); Real zc = C.col(3).array().mean(); if ( xc >= 2.5 && xc <= 5. && yc>=2.5 && yc <= 5.) { sigma_bar = 0.; } else { sigma_bar = 1.; } */ sigma_bar = 1.; for (int ii=0; ii<4; ++ii) { int bbi = vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("HomogeneousDirichlet")->GetTuple(ID[ii])[0]; if (bbi) { /* Dirichlet boundary */ coeffs.push_back( Eigen::Triplet ( ID[ii], ID[ii], 1)); } else { for (int jj=0; jj<4; ++jj) { coeffs.push_back( Eigen::Triplet ( ID[ii], ID[jj], GradPhi.col(ii).tail<3>().dot(GradPhi.col(jj).tail<3>() ) * V * sigma_bar ) ); } } } std::cout << "\r" << (int)(1e2*((float)(ic) / (float)(vtkGrid->GetNumberOfCells()))) << std::flush ; } A.setFromTriplets(coeffs.begin(), coeffs.end()); A.finalize(); A.makeCompressed(); } void FEM4EllipticPDE::SetupPotential() { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load vector g std::cout << "\nBuilding load vector (g)" << std::endl; g = VectorXr::Zero(vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints()); std::cout << "made g with " << vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints() << " points" << std::endl; for (int ic=0; ic < vtkGrid->GetNumberOfCells(); ++ic) { Eigen::Matrix C = Eigen::Matrix::Zero() ; for (int ii=0; ii<4; ++ii) { double* pts = vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetPoints()->GetPoint(ii); //[ipc] ; C(ii, 0) = 1; C(ii, 1) = pts[0]; C(ii, 2) = pts[1]; C(ii, 3) = pts[2]; } Real V = (1./6.) * C.determinant(); // volume of tetrahedra //Eigen::Matrix GradPhi = C.inverse(); // nabla \phi /* The indices */ vtkIdList* Ids = vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetPointIds(); int ID[4]; ID[0] = Ids->GetId(0); ID[1] = Ids->GetId(1); ID[2] = Ids->GetId(2); ID[3] = Ids->GetId(3); /* Fill the RHS vector with Dirichlet conditions or fuction value */ for (int ii=0; ii<4; ++ii) { if (vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("HomogeneousDirichlet")->GetTuple(ID[ii])[0]) { g(ID[ii]) += vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("analytic_phi")->GetTuple(ID[ii])[0]; } else { g(ID[ii]) += (V/4.)*(vtkGrid->GetCellData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple(ic)[0]); // Cell data /* for point data, determine if it is a point or line source */ //g(ID[ii]) = (vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple(ID[ii])[0]); // Point source //g(ID[ii]) = (vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple(ID[ii])[0]); // Point source } } } } void FEM4EllipticPDE::SetupLineSourcePotential() { std::cerr << " FEM4EllipticPDE::SetupLineSourcePotential is not completed\n"; exit(1); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load vector g std::cout << "\nBuilding load vector (g)" << std::endl; g = VectorXr::Zero(vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints()); std::cout << "made g with " << vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints() << " points" << std::endl; for (int ic=0; ic < vtkGrid->GetNumberOfCells(); ++ic) { Eigen::Matrix C = Eigen::Matrix::Zero() ; for (int ii=0; ii<4; ++ii) { double* pts = vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetPoints()->GetPoint(ii); //[ipc] ; C(ii, 0) = 1; C(ii, 1) = pts[0]; C(ii, 2) = pts[1]; C(ii, 3) = pts[2]; } Real V = (1./6.) * C.determinant(); // volume of tetrahedra //Eigen::Matrix GradPhi = C.inverse(); // nabla \phi /* The indices */ vtkIdList* Ids = vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetPointIds(); int ID[4]; ID[0] = Ids->GetId(0); ID[1] = Ids->GetId(1); ID[2] = Ids->GetId(2); ID[3] = Ids->GetId(3); /* Line source between nodes */ for (int ii=0; ii<4; ++ii) { if (vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("HomogeneousDirichlet")->GetTuple(ID[ii])[0]) { g(ID[ii]) += vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("analytic_phi")->GetTuple(ID[ii])[0]; } else { Real nv1 = vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple(ID[ii])[0]; for (int jj=ii+1; jj<4; ++jj) { Real nv2 = vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple(ID[jj])[0]; if ( std::abs(nv1) > 1e-12 && std::abs(nv2) > 1e-12) { Real length = ( C.row(ii).tail<3>()-C.row(jj).tail<3>() ).norm(); g(ID[ii]) += ((nv1+nv2)/2.)/(length); } } } } } } void FEM4EllipticPDE::SetupSurfaceSourcePotential() { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load vector g std::cout << "\nBuilding load vector (g)" << std::endl; g = VectorXr::Zero(vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints()); for (int ic=0; ic < vtkGrid->GetNumberOfCells(); ++ic) { Eigen::Matrix C = Eigen::Matrix::Zero() ; for (int ii=0; ii<4; ++ii) { double* pts = vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetPoints()->GetPoint(ii); //[ipc] ; C(ii, 0) = 1; C(ii, 1) = pts[0]; C(ii, 2) = pts[1]; C(ii, 3) = pts[2]; } Real V = (1./6.) * C.determinant(); // volume of tetrahedra //Eigen::Matrix GradPhi = C.inverse(); // nabla \phi /* The indices */ vtkIdList* Ids = vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetPointIds(); int ID[4]; ID[0] = Ids->GetId(0); ID[1] = Ids->GetId(1); ID[2] = Ids->GetId(2); ID[3] = Ids->GetId(3); // Apply Dirichlet conditions for (int ii=0; ii<4; ++ii) { //if (vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("InHomogeneousDirichlet")->GetTuple(ID[ii])[0]) { // g(ID[ii]) += vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("analytic_phi")->GetTuple(ID[ii])[0]; //} } /* the 4 faces of the tetrahedra ID[0] ID[1] ID[2] ID[0] ID[1] ID[3] ID[0] ID[2] ID[3] ID[1] ID[2] ID[3] */ Real i4pi = .5; /* surfaces of tetrahedra */ // Face 0, ID 0,1,2 Eigen::Matrix CC = Eigen::Matrix::Ones() ; if ( std::abs(vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[0])) > 1e-12 && std::abs(vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[1])) > 1e-12 && std::abs(vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[2])) > 1e-12 ) { CC.col(1) = C.row(0).tail<3>() - C.row(1).tail<3>(); CC.col(2) = C.row(0).tail<3>() - C.row(2).tail<3>(); Real TA = .5*CC.col(1).cross(CC.col(2)).norm(); g(ID[0]) += vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[0])*TA/3. * i4pi ; g(ID[1]) += vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[1])*TA/3. * i4pi ; g(ID[2]) += vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[2])*TA/3. * i4pi ; } // Face 1, ID 0,1,3 if ( std::abs(vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[0])) > 1e-12 && std::abs(vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[1])) > 1e-12 && std::abs(vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[3])) > 1e-12 ) { CC.col(1) = C.row(0).tail<3>() - C.row(1).tail<3>(); CC.col(2) = C.row(0).tail<3>() - C.row(3).tail<3>(); Real TA = .5*CC.col(1).cross(CC.col(2)).norm(); g(ID[0]) += vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[0])*TA/3. * i4pi ; g(ID[1]) += vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[1])*TA/3. * i4pi ; g(ID[3]) += vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[3])*TA/3. * i4pi ; } // Face 2, ID 0,2,3 if ( std::abs(vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[0])) > 1e-12 && std::abs(vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[2])) > 1e-12 && std::abs(vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[3])) > 1e-12 ) { CC.col(1) = C.row(0).tail<3>() - C.row(2).tail<3>(); CC.col(2) = C.row(0).tail<3>() - C.row(3).tail<3>(); Real TA = .5*CC.col(1).cross(CC.col(2)).norm(); g(ID[0]) += vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[0])*TA/3. * i4pi ; g(ID[2]) += vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[2])*TA/3. * i4pi ; g(ID[3]) += vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[3])*TA/3. * i4pi ; } // Face 3, ID 1,2,3 if ( std::abs(vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[1])) > 1e-12 && std::abs(vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[2])) > 1e-12 && std::abs(vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[3])) > 1e-12 ) { CC.col(1) = C.row(1).tail<3>() - C.row(2).tail<3>(); CC.col(2) = C.row(1).tail<3>() - C.row(3).tail<3>(); Real TA = .5*CC.col(1).cross(CC.col(2)).norm(); g(ID[1]) += vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[1])*TA/3. * i4pi ; g(ID[2]) += vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[2])*TA/3. * i4pi ; g(ID[3]) += vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("G")->GetTuple1(ID[3])*TA/3. * i4pi ; } } std::cout << "made g with " << vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints() << " points" << std::endl; } #if 0 void FEM4EllipticPDE::SolveOLD2(const std::string& fname) { Real r0[3]; Real r1[3]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Surface filter, to determine if points are on boundary, and need // boundary conditions applied vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter* Surface = vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter::New(); Surface->SetInputData(vtkGrid); Surface->PassThroughPointIdsOn( ); Surface->Update(); vtkIdTypeArray* BdryIds = static_cast (Surface->GetOutput()->GetPointData()->GetScalars("vtkOriginalPointIds")); // Expensive search for whether or not point is on boundary. O(n) cost. VectorXi bndryCnt = VectorXi::Zero(vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints()); for (int isp=0; isp < Surface->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++isp) { //double* pts = vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetPoints()->GetPoint(ii); //[ipc] ; // x \in -14.5 to 14.5 // y \in 0 to 30 bndryCnt(BdryIds->GetTuple1(isp)) += 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Build stiffness matrix (A) std::cout << "Building Stiffness Matrix (A) " << std::endl; std::cout << "\tMesh has " << vtkGrid->GetNumberOfCells() << " cells " << std::endl; std::cout << "\tMesh has " << vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints() << " points " << std::endl; Eigen::SparseMatrix A(vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints(), vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints()); std::vector< Eigen::Triplet > coeffs; // Here we iterate over all of the cells for (int ic=0; ic < vtkGrid->GetNumberOfCells(); ++ic) { assert ( vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetNumberOfPoints() == 4 ); // TODO, in production code we might not want to do this check here if ( vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetNumberOfPoints() != 4 ) { std::cout << "DOOM FEM4EllipticPDE encountered non-tetrahedral mesh\n"; std::cout << "Number of points in cell " << vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetNumberOfPoints() << std::endl ; exit(1); } // construct coordinate matrix C Eigen::Matrix C = Eigen::Matrix::Zero() ; for (int ii=0; ii<4; ++ii) { double* pts = vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetPoints()->GetPoint(ii); //[ipc] ; C(ii, 0) = 1; C(ii, 1) = pts[0] ; C(ii, 2) = pts[1] ; C(ii, 3) = pts[2] ; } Eigen::Matrix GradPhi = C.inverse(); // nabla \phi Real V = (1./6.) * C.determinant(); // volume of tetrahedra vtkIdList* Ids = vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetPointIds(); int ID[4]; ID[0] = Ids->GetId(0); ID[1] = Ids->GetId(1); ID[2] = Ids->GetId(2); ID[3] = Ids->GetId(3); Real sum(0); Real sigma_bar = vtkGrid->GetCellData()->GetScalars()->GetTuple1(ic); for (int ii=0; ii<4; ++ii) { for (int jj=0; jj<4; ++jj) { if (jj == ii) { // I apply boundary to Stiffness matrix, it's common to take the other approach and apply to the load vector and then // solve for the boundaries? Is one better? This seems to work, which is nice. //Real bdry = V*(1./(BndryH*BndryH))*BndrySigma*bndryCnt( ID[ii] ); // + sum; Real bb = vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars("vtkValidPointMask")->GetTuple(ID[ii])[0]; //std::cout << "bb " << bb << std::endl; Real bdry = V*(1./(BndryH*BndryH))*BndrySigma*bb; // + sum; coeffs.push_back( Eigen::Triplet ( ID[ii], ID[jj], bdry + GradPhi.col(ii).tail<3>().dot(GradPhi.col(jj).tail<3>() ) * V * sigma_bar ) ); } else { coeffs.push_back( Eigen::Triplet ( ID[ii], ID[jj], GradPhi.col(ii).tail<3>().dot(GradPhi.col(jj).tail<3>() ) * V * sigma_bar ) ); } // Stiffness matrix no longer contains boundary conditions... //coeffs.push_back( Eigen::Triplet ( ID[ii], ID[jj], GradPhi.col(ii).tail<3>().dot(GradPhi.col(jj).tail<3>() ) * V * sigma_bar ) ); } } std::cout << "\r" << (int)(1e2*((float)(ic) / (float)(vtkGrid->GetNumberOfCells()))) << std::flush ; } A.setFromTriplets(coeffs.begin(), coeffs.end()); //A.makeCompressed(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load vector g, solution vector u std::cout << "\nBuilding load vector (g)" << std::endl; VectorXr g = VectorXr::Zero(vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints()); std::cout << "made g with " << vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints() << " pnts" << std::endl; // If the G function has been evaluated at each *node* // --> but still needs to be integrated at the surfaces // Aha, requires that there is in fact a pointdata memeber // BUG TODO BUG!!! std::cout << "Point Data ptr " << vtkGrid->GetPointData() << std::endl; //if ( vtkGrid->GetPointData() != NULL && std::string( vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetName() ).compare( std::string("G") ) == 0 ) { bool pe(false); bool ne(false); if ( true ) { std::cout << "\nUsing G from file" << std::endl; /* 3D Phi */ for (int ic=0; ic < vtkGrid->GetNumberOfCells(); ++ic) { Eigen::Matrix C = Eigen::Matrix::Zero() ; for (int ii=0; ii<4; ++ii) { double* pts = vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetPoints()->GetPoint(ii); //[ipc] ; C(ii, 0) = 1; C(ii, 1) = pts[0]; C(ii, 2) = pts[1]; C(ii, 3) = pts[2]; } Real V = (1./6.) * C.determinant(); // volume of tetrahedra //Real V = C.determinant(); // volume of tetrahedra vtkIdList* Ids = vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetPointIds(); int ID[4]; ID[0] = Ids->GetId(0); ID[1] = Ids->GetId(1); ID[2] = Ids->GetId(2); ID[3] = Ids->GetId(3); /* bad news bears for magnet */ double* pt = vtkGrid->GetCell(ic)->GetPoints()->GetPoint(0); Real sum(0); /* if (!pe) { if (std::abs(pt[0]) < .2 && std::abs(pt[1]-15) < .2 && pt[2] < 3.25 ) { sum = 1; //vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetTuple(ID[ii])[0]; pe = true; } }*/ if (ID[0] == 26) { sum = 10; } if (ID[0] == 30) { sum = -10; } /* if (!ne) { if (std::abs(pt[0]+1.) < .2 && std::abs(pt[1]-15) < .2 && pt[2] < 3.25 ) { sum = -1; //vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetTuple(ID[ii])[0]; std::cout << "Negative Electroce\n"; ne = true; } } */ //for (int ii=0; ii<4; ++ii) { //g(ID[ii]) += (V/4.) * ( vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetTuple(ID[ii])[0] ) ; //if ( std::abs(vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetTuple(ID[ii])[0]) > 1e-3 ) //} // TODO check Load Vector... g(ID[0]) = sum; //(V/4.) * sum; // Why 3, Why!!!? std::cout << "\r" << (int)(1e2*((float)(ic) / (float)(vtkGrid->GetNumberOfCells()))) << std::flush ; } /* for (int ic=0; ic < vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++ic) { vtkGrid->GetPoint(ic, r0); vtkSmartPointer connectedVertices = GetConnectedPoints(ic); double g0 = vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetTuple(ic)[0] ; //std::cout << "num conn " << connectedVertices->GetNumberOfIds() << std::endl; if ( std::abs(g0) > 1e-3 ) { for(vtkIdType i = 0; i < connectedVertices->GetNumberOfIds(); ++i) { int ii = connectedVertices->GetId(i); vtkGrid->GetPoint(ii, r1); double g1 = vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetTuple(ii)[0] ; //g(ic) += g0*dist(r0,r1); //CompositeSimpsons2(g0, r0, r1, 8); if ( std::abs(g1) > 1e-3 ) { g(ic) += CompositeSimpsons2(g1, g0, r1, r0, 1000); } //g(ic) += CompositeSimpsons2(g0, r1, r0, 8); //if ( std::abs(g1) > 1e-3 ) { //g(ic) += CompositeSimpsons2(g0, g1, r0, r1, 8); //g(ic) += CompositeSimpsons2(g0, g1, r0, r1, 100); // / (2*dist(r0,r1)) ; // g(ic) += g0*dist(r0,r1); //CompositeSimpsons2(g0, r0, r1, 8); //g(ic) += CompositeSimpsons2(g0, r0, r1, 8); // g(ic) += g0; //CompositeSimpsons2(g0, r0, r1, 8); //} //else { // g(ic) += g0; //CompositeSimpsons2(g0, r0, r1, 8); //} } } //g(ic) = 2.* vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetTuple(ic)[0] ; // Why 2? //std::cout << "\r" << (int)(1e2*((float)(ic) / (float)(vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints()))) << std::flush ; } */ } else if (vtkG) { // VTK implicit function, proceed with care std::cout << "\nUsing implicit file from file" << std::endl; // OpenMP right here for (int ic=0; ic < vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++ic) { vtkSmartPointer connectedVertices = GetConnectedPoints(ic); //vtkGrid->GetPoint(ic, r0); //g(ic) += vtkG->FunctionValue(r0[0], r0[1], r0[2]) ; // std::cout << vtkG->FunctionValue(r0[0], r0[1], r0[2]) << std::endl; //g(ic) += vtkGrid->GetPointData()->GetScalars()->GetTuple1(ic);// FunctionValue(r0[0], r0[1], r0[2]) ; /* for(vtkIdType i = 0; i < connectedVertices->GetNumberOfIds(); ++i) { int ii = connectedVertices->GetId(i); vtkGrid->GetPoint(ii, r1); g(ic) += CompositeSimpsons2(vtkG, r0, r1, 8); // vtkG->FunctionValue(r0[0], r0[1], r0[2]) ; } */ std::cout << "\r" << (int)(1e2*((float)(ic) / (float)(vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints()))) << std::flush ; } } else if (gFcn3) { std::cout << "\nUsing gFcn3" << std::endl; for (int ic=0; ic < vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++ic) { vtkSmartPointer connectedVertices = GetConnectedPoints(ic); vtkGrid->GetPoint(ic, r0); // TODO, test OMP sum reduction here. Is vtkGrid->GetPoint thread safe? //Real sum(0.); //#ifdef LEMMAUSEOMP //#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum) //#endif for(vtkIdType i = 0; i < connectedVertices->GetNumberOfIds(); ++i) { int ii = connectedVertices->GetId(i); vtkGrid->GetPoint(ii, r1); g(ic) += CompositeSimpsons2(gFcn3, r0, r1, 8); // vtkG->FunctionValue(r0[0], r0[1], r0[2]) ; //sum += CompositeSimpsons2(gFcn3, r0, r1, 8); // vtkG->FunctionValue(r0[0], r0[1], r0[2]) ; } std::cout << "\r" << (int)(1e2*((float)(ic) / (float)(vtkGrid->GetNumberOfPoints()))) << std::flush ; //g(ic) = sum; } } else { std::cout << "No source specified\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // std::cout << g << std::endl; //g(85) = 1; std::cout << "\nSolving" << std::endl; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Solving: //Eigen::SimplicialCholesky, Eigen::Lower > chol(A); // performs a Cholesky factorization of A //VectorXr u = chol.solve(g); //Eigen::SparseLU, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering > solver; //solver.analyzePattern(A); //solver.factorize(A); //VectorXr u = solver.solve(g); //Eigen::ConjugateGradient Eigen::DiagonalPreconditioner > cg; Eigen::ConjugateGradient< Eigen::SparseMatrix > cg(A); //Eigen::BiCGSTAB > cg(A); cg.setMaxIterations(3000); //cg.compute(A); //std::cout << "Computed " << std::endl; VectorXr u = cg.solve(g); std::cout << "#iterations: " << cg.iterations() << std::endl; std::cout << "estimated error: " << cg.error() << std::endl; vtkDoubleArray *gArray = vtkDoubleArray::New(); vtkDoubleArray *uArray = vtkDoubleArray::New(); uArray->SetNumberOfComponents(1); gArray->SetNumberOfComponents(1); for (int iu = 0; iuInsertTuple1(iu, u[iu]); gArray->InsertTuple1(iu, g[iu]); } uArray->SetName("u"); gArray->SetName("g"); vtkGrid->GetPointData()->AddArray(uArray); vtkGrid->GetPointData()->AddArray(gArray); vtkXMLDataSetWriter *Writer = vtkXMLDataSetWriter::New(); Writer->SetInputData(vtkGrid); Writer->SetFileName(fname.c_str()); Writer->Write(); Writer->Delete(); Surface->Delete(); gArray->Delete(); uArray->Delete(); } #endif // Uses simpon's rule to perform a definite integral of a // function (passed as a pointer). The integration occurs from // (Shamelessly adapted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simpson's_rule Real FEM4EllipticPDE::CompositeSimpsons(vtkImplicitFunction* f, Real r0[3], Real r1[3], int n) { Vector3r R0(r0[0], r0[1], r0[2]); Vector3r R1(r1[0], r1[1], r1[2]); // force n to be even assert(n > 0); //n += (n % 2); Real h = dist(r0, r1) / (Real)(n) ; Real S = f->FunctionValue(r0) + f->FunctionValue(r1); Vector3r dr = (R1 - R0).array() / Real(n); Vector3r rx; rx.array() = R0.array() + dr.array(); for (int i=1; iFunctionValue(rx[0], rx[1], rx[2]); rx += 2.*dr; } rx.array() = R0.array() + 2*dr.array(); for (int i=2; iFunctionValue(rx[0], rx[1], rx[2]); rx += 2.*dr; } return h * S / 3.; } // Uses simpon's rule to perform a definite integral of a // function (passed as a pointer). The integration occurs from // (Shamelessly adapted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simpson's_rule // This is just here as a convenience Real FEM4EllipticPDE::CompositeSimpsons(const Real& f, Real r0[3], Real r1[3], int n) { return dist(r0,r1)*f; /* Vector3r R0(r0[0], r0[1], r0[2]); Vector3r R1(r1[0], r1[1], r1[2]); // force n to be even assert(n > 0); //n += (n % 2); Real h = dist(r0, r1) / (Real)(n) ; Real S = f + f; Vector3r dr = (R1 - R0).array() / Real(n); //Vector3r rx; //rx.array() = R0.array() + dr.array(); for (int i=1; i 0); //n += (n % 2); Real h = dist(r0, r1) / (Real)(n) ; // For Gelerkin (most) FEM, we can omit this one as test functions are zero valued at element boundaries Real S = f->FunctionValue(r0) + f->FunctionValue(r1); //Real S = f->FunctionValue(r0) + f->FunctionValue(r1); Vector3r dr = (R1 - R0).array() / Real(n); Vector3r rx; rx.array() = R0.array() + dr.array(); for (int i=1; iFunctionValue(rx[0], rx[1], rx[2]) * Hat(rx, R0, R1) * Hat(rx, R1, R0); rx += 2.*dr; } rx.array() = R0.array() + 2*dr.array(); for (int i=2; iFunctionValue(rx[0], rx[1], rx[2]) * Hat(rx, R0, R1) * Hat(rx, R1, R0); rx += 2.*dr; } return h * S / 3.; } /* * Performs numerical integration of two functions, one is passed as a vtkImplicitFunction, the other is the FEM * test function owned by the FEM implimentaion. */ Real FEM4EllipticPDE::CompositeSimpsons2( Real (*f)(const Real&, const Real&, const Real&), Real r0[3], Real r1[3], int n) { Vector3r R0(r0[0], r0[1], r0[2]); Vector3r R1(r1[0], r1[1], r1[2]); // force n to be even assert(n > 0); //n += (n % 2); Real h = dist(r0, r1) / (Real)(n) ; // For Gelerkin (most) FEM, we can omit this one as test functions are zero valued at element boundaries //Real S = f(r0[0], r0[1], r0[2])*Hat(R0, R0, R1) + f(r1[0], r1[1], r1[2])*Hat(R1, R0, R1); Real S = f(r0[0], r0[1], r0[2]) + f(r1[0], r1[1], r1[2]); Vector3r dr = (R1 - R0).array() / Real(n); Vector3r rx; rx.array() = R0.array() + dr.array(); for (int i=1; i 0); //n += (n % 2); Real h = dist(r0, r1) / (Real)(n) ; // For Gelerkin (most) FEM, we can omit this one as test functions are zero valued at element boundaries Real S = 2*f; //*Hat(R0, R0, R1) + f*Hat(R1, R0, R1); Vector3r dr = (R1 - R0).array() / Real(n); Vector3r rx; rx.array() = R0.array() + dr.array(); for (int i=1; i 0); //n += (n % 2); Real h = dist(r0, r1) / (Real)(n) ; // For Gelerkin (most) FEM, we can omit this one as test functions are zero valued at element boundaries // NO! We are looking at 1/2 hat often!!! So S = f1! Real S = f1; //f0*Hat(R0, R0, R1) + f1*Hat(R1, R0, R1); Vector3r dr = (R1 - R0).array() / Real(n); // linear interpolate function //Vector3r rx; //rx.array() = R0.array() + dr.array(); for (int i=1; i 0); //n += (n % 2); Real h = dist(r0, r1) / (Real)(n) ; // For Gelerkin (most) FEM, we can omit this one as test functions are zero valued at element boundaries // NO! We are looking at 1/2 hat often!!! So S = f1! Real S = f0+f1; //Hat(R0, R0, R1) + f1*Hat(R1, R0, R1); Vector3r dr = (R1 - R0).array() / Real(n); // linear interpolate function //Vector3r rx; //rx.array() = R0.array() + dr.array(); for (int i=1; i