/* This file is part of Lemma, a geophysical modelling and inversion API. * More information is available at http://lemmasoftware.org */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * @file * @date 02/19/2015 01:10:39 PM * @version $Id$ * @author Trevor Irons (ti) * @email Trevor.Irons@xri-geo.com * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015, XRI Geophysics, LLC * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015, Trevor Irons * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011, Trevor Irons * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011, Colorado School of Mines */ #ifndef EMSCHUR3D_INC #define EMSCHUR3D_INC #include "EMSchur3DBase.h" #include "bicgstab.h" #ifdef HAVE_SUPERLU #include "Eigen/SuperLUSupport" #endif #ifdef HAVE_UMFPACK #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_PASTIX #include #endif #include //#include "CSymSimplicialCholesky.h" namespace Lemma { /** \brief Templated concrete classes of EMSChur3DBase. \details */ template < class Solver > class EMSchur3D : public EMSchur3DBase { friend std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &stream, const EMSchur3D &ob) { stream << ob.Serialize() << "\n"; // End of doc return stream; } //friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, // const EMSchur3D &ob); public: // ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================= /** * @copybrief LemmaObject::New() * @copydetails LemmaObject::New() */ static std::shared_ptr< EMSchur3D > NewSP() { return std::make_shared< EMSchur3D >( ctor_key() ); } /** Default protected constructor, use New */ explicit EMSchur3D ( const ctor_key& key ) : EMSchur3DBase( key ), CSolver( nullptr ) { } /** Locked DeDerializing constructor, use factory DeSerialize method*/ EMSchur3D (const YAML::Node& node, const ctor_key& key): EMSchur3DBase(node, key), CSolver( nullptr ) { } /** Default protected destructor, use Delete */ virtual ~EMSchur3D () { // TODO delete arrays } /** * Uses YAML to serialize this object. * @return a YAML::Node */ YAML::Node Serialize() const { YAML::Node node = EMSchur3DBase::Serialize(); //node["NumberOfLayers"] = NumberOfLayers; node.SetTag( this->GetName() ); return node; } /** * Constructs an object from a YAML::Node. */ static EMSchur3D* DeSerialize(const YAML::Node& node); // ==================== OPERATORS ======================= // ==================== OPERATIONS ======================= /** Solves a single source problem. This method is thread safe. * @param[in] Source is the source term for generating primary fields * @param[in] isource is the source index */ void SolveSource( std::shared_ptr Source , const int& isource); /** Builds the solver for the C matrix */ void BuildCDirectSolver( ); // ==================== ACCESS ======================= virtual std::string GetName() const { return this->CName; } // ==================== INQUIRY ======================= protected: // ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================= private: /** Copy constructor */ EMSchur3D( const EMSchur3D& ) = delete; // ==================== DATA MEMBERS ========================= /** The templated solver for C */ Solver* CSolver; Eigen::SparseMatrix Csym; static constexpr auto CName = "EMSchur3D"; }; // ----- end of class EMSchur3D ----- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implimentation and Specialisations // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: EMSchur3D // Method: SolveSource //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < class Solver > void EMSchur3D::SolveSource ( std::shared_ptr Source, const int& isource ) { std::cout << "In vanilla SolveSource" << std::endl; // figure out which omega we are working with int iw = -1; for (int iiw=0; iiwGetAngularFrequency(0) < 1e-3 ) { iw = iiw; } } if (iw == -1) { std::cerr << "FREQUENCY DOOM IN EMSchur3D::SolveSource \n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /////////////////////////////////// // Set up primary fields // TODO, this is a little stupid as they all share the same points. We need to extend // EmEARTH to be able to input a grid so that points are not explicitly needed like // this. This requires some care as calcs are made on faces. // Alternatively, the bins function of ReceiverPoints could be extended quite easily. // This may be the way to do this. //Lemma::ReceiverPoints* dpoint = Lemma::ReceiverPoints::New(); std::shared_ptr< FieldPoints > dpoint = FieldPoints::NewSP(); FillPoints(dpoint); PrimaryField(Source, dpoint); std::cout << "Done with primary field" << std::endl; // Allocate a ton of memory VectorXcr Phi = VectorXcr::Zero(uns); VectorXcr ms(unx+uny+unz); // mu sigma // Vector potential (A) Vector and phi VectorXcr Se = VectorXcr::Zero(unx+uny+unz); //VectorXcr A = VectorXcr::Zero(unx+uny+unz); VectorXcr E = VectorXcr::Zero(unx+uny+unz); VectorXcr E0 = VectorXcr::Zero(unx+uny+unz); // Lets get cracking std::cout << "Filling source terms" << std::endl; FillSourceTerms(ms, Se, E0, dpoint, Omegas[iw]); std::cout << "Done source terms" << std::endl; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // LOG File std::string logfile (ResFile); logfile += to_string(isource) + std::string(".log"); ofstream logio(logfile.c_str()); std::cout << "just logging, TODO fix source" << std::endl; // logio << *Source << std::endl; logio << *Grid << std::endl; logio << *LayModel << std::endl; std::cout << "dun logging" << std::endl; // solve for RHS int max_it(nx*ny*nz), iter_done(0); Real tol(3e-16), errorn(0); logio << "solving RHS for source " << isource << std::endl; // TODO, this is stupid, try and get rid of this copy! //Eigen::SparseMatrix Cc = Cvec[iw]; jsw_timer timer; jsw_timer timer2; timer.begin(); timer2.begin(); ///////////////////////////////////////// // Solve for RHS //CSolver[iw].setMaxIterations(750); VectorXcr A = CSolver[iw].solve(Se); // // Solve Real system instead // The Real system is quasi-definite, though an LDLT decomposition exists, CHOLMOD doesn't find it. // An LU can be done on this, but compute performance is very similiar to the complex system, and diagonal pivoting // cannot be assumed to be best, hurting solve time. // /* EXPERIMENTAL */ // VectorXr b2 = VectorXr::Zero(2*(unx+uny+unz)); // b2.head(unx+uny+unz) = Se.real(); // b2.tail(unx+uny+unz) = Se.imag(); // VectorXr A2 = CReSolver[iw].solve(b2); // A.real() = A2.head( unx+uny+unz ); // A.imag() = -A2.tail( unx+uny+unz ); // Due to decomp. negative! // /* END EXPERIMENTAL */ VectorXcr ADiv = D*A; // ADiv == RHS == D C^I Se //VectorXcr Error = ((Cc.selfadjointView()*A).array() - Se.array()); VectorXcr Error = ((Cvec[iw].selfadjointView()*A).array() - Se.array()); logio << "|| Div(A) || = " << ADiv.norm() << "\tInital solution error="<< Error.norm() // Iteritive info // << "\tSolver reported error="<< CSolver[iw].error() // Iteritive info << "\ttime " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m] " // << CSolver[iw].iterations() << " iterations" << std::endl; //VectorXcr ADivMAC = ADiv.array() * MAC.array().cast(); //logio << "|| Div(A) || on MAC grid " << ADivMAC.norm() << std::endl; ///////////////////// // Solve for Phi logio << "Solving for Phi " << std::flush; timer.begin(); tol = 1e-20; int success(2); success = implicitbicgstab(D, idx, ms, ADiv, Phi, CSolver[iw], max_it, tol, errorn, iter_done, logio); //Phi.array() *= MAC.array().cast(); // remove phi from air regions /* Restart if necessary */ int nrestart(1); // TODO send MAC to implicitbicgstab? while (success == 2 && nrestart < 18 && iter_done > 1) { success = implicitbicgstab(D, idx, ms, ADiv, Phi, CSolver[iw], max_it, tol, errorn, iter_done, logio); //Phi.array() *= MAC.array().cast(); // remove phi from air regions nrestart += 1; } logio << "Implicit BiCGStab solution in " << iter_done << " iterations." << " with error " << std::setprecision(8) << std::scientific << errorn << std::endl; logio << "time "<< timer.end()/60. << " [m]" << std::endl; E = ms.array()*(D.transpose()*Phi).array(); // Temp, field due to charge ///////////////////////////////////// // Compute A ///////////////////////////////////// logio << "Solving for A using phi" << std::endl; std::cout << "Solving for A" << std::endl; max_it = nx*ny*nz; tol = 5e-16; errorn = 0; iter_done = 0; timer.begin(); A = CSolver[iw].solve( (Se-E).eval() ); // UmfPack requires eval? VectorXcr ADiv2 = D*A; //logio << "|| Div(A) || = " << ADiv2.norm() ; //" in " << iter_done << " iterations" //<< " with error " << errorn << "\t"; // Report error of solutions //Error = ((Cc.selfadjointView()*A).array() + E.array() - Se.array()); Error = ((Cvec[iw].selfadjointView()*A).array() + E.array() - Se.array()); // << "\tSolver reported error="<< CSolver[iw].error() // Iteritive info // << "\ttime " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m] " // << CSolver[iw].iterations() << " iterations" logio << "|| Div(A) || = " << ADiv2.norm() << "\tSolution error="<< Error.norm() // Iteritive info // << "\tSolver reported error="<< CSolver[iw].error() // Iteritive info << "\ttime " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m] " // << CSolver[iw].iterations() << " iterations" << std::endl << std::endl; logio << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << "\ttime " << timer.end()/60. << "\ttotal time " << timer2.end()/60. << std::endl; logio.close(); ////////////////////////////////////// // Update Fields and report E.array() = Complex(0,-Omegas[iw])*A.array() - (D.transpose()*Phi).array(); // Secondary Field Only VectorXcr B = StaggeredGridCurl(A); WriteVTKResults( ResFile+ to_string(isource), A, Se, E0, E , Phi, ADiv, ADiv2, B); //dpoint->Delete(); return ; } // ----- end of method EMSchur3D::SolveSource ----- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: EMSchur3DBase // Method: BuildCDirectSolver //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < class Solver > void EMSchur3D::BuildCDirectSolver ( ) { CSolver = new Solver[Omegas.size()]; for (int iw=0; iw() ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // factorize timer.begin(); std::cout << "Generic solver factorising C_" << iw << ", "; std::cout.flush(); CSolver[iw].factorize( Cvec[iw].selfadjointView< Eigen::Lower>() ); */ std::cerr << "No solver Specified!" << iw << ","; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); //CSolver[iw].compute( Cvec[iw].selfadjointView< Eigen::Lower>() ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; } } #ifdef HAVE_SUPERLU template<> void EMSchur3D< Eigen::SuperLU > >::BuildCDirectSolver() { CSolver = new Eigen::SuperLU > [Omegas.size()]; for (int iw=0; iw() ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // factorize timer.begin(); std::cout << "SuperLU factorising C_" << iw << ", "; std::cout.flush(); CSolver[iw].factorize( Cvec[iw].selfadjointView< Eigen::Lower>() ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; } } #endif template<> void EMSchur3D< Eigen::SparseLU, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering > >::BuildCDirectSolver() { CSolver = new Eigen::SparseLU, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering > [Omegas.size()]; for (int iw=0; iw() ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // factorize timer.begin(); std::cout << "SparseLU factorising C_" << iw << ", "; std::cout.flush(); CSolver[iw].factorize( Cvec[iw].selfadjointView< Eigen::Lower>() ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; } } // Pardiso template<> void EMSchur3D< Eigen::PardisoLU > >::BuildCDirectSolver() { CSolver = new Eigen::PardisoLU > [Omegas.size()]; for (int iw=0; iw() ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // factorize timer.begin(); std::cout << "PardisoLU factorising C_" << iw << ", "; std::cout.flush(); CSolver[iw].factorize( Cvec[iw].selfadjointView< Eigen::Lower>() ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; } } template<> void EMSchur3D< Eigen::PardisoLDLT, Eigen::Lower > >::BuildCDirectSolver() { CSolver = new Eigen::PardisoLDLT, Eigen::Lower > [Omegas.size()]; for (int iw=0; iw() ); CSolver[iw].analyzePattern( Cvec[iw] ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // factorize timer.begin(); std::cout << "PardisoLDLT factorising C_" << iw << ", "; std::cout.flush(); //CSolver[iw].factorize( Cvec[iw].selfadjointView< Eigen::Lower>() ); CSolver[iw].factorize( Cvec[iw] ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; } } #ifdef HAVE_UMFPACK // Umfpack only seems to work when LOWER and UPPER are set to 1. Workarounds this have not been found. template<> void EMSchur3D< Eigen::UmfPackLU > >::BuildCDirectSolver() { CSolver = new Eigen::UmfPackLU > [Omegas.size()]; for (int iw=0; iw Csym = Cvec[iw].selfadjointView< Eigen::Lower >(); // Compiler errors get thrown with the view setting, good performance if LOWER and UPPER are set // CSolver[iw].analyzePattern( Cvec[iw].selfadjointView< Eigen::Lower>() ); // Compiler error CSolver[iw].analyzePattern( Cvec[iw] ); // requires LOWER=1 UPPER=1, double memory // CSolver[iw].analyzePattern( Csym ); // seg faults std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // factorize timer.begin(); std::cout << "UmfPackLU factorising C_" << iw << ", "; std::cout.flush(); // CSolver[iw].factorize( Cvec[iw].selfadjointView< Eigen::Lower>() ); CSolver[iw].factorize( Cvec[iw] ); // CSolver[iw].factorize( Csym ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; } } #endif // template<> // void EMSchur3D< Eigen::CholmodSupernodalLLT< Eigen::SparseMatrix, Eigen::Lower > > ::BuildCDirectSolver() { // CSolver = new Eigen::CholmodSupernodalLLT< Eigen::SparseMatrix, Eigen::Lower > [Omegas.size()]; // for (int iw=0; iw(); // jsw_timer timer; // timer.begin(); // /* Complex system */ // std::cout << "CholmodSupernodalLLT pattern analyzing C_" << iw << ","; // std::cout.flush(); // CSolver[iw].analyzePattern( Csym ); // std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // /* factorize */ // timer.begin(); // std::cout << "CholmodSupernodalLLT factorising C_" << iw << ", "; // std::cout.flush(); // CSolver[iw].factorize( Csym ); // std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // } // } // template<> // void EMSchur3D< Eigen::CSymSimplicialLLT< Eigen::SparseMatrix, Eigen::Lower, Eigen::NaturalOrdering > > ::BuildCDirectSolver() { // CSolver = new Eigen::CSymSimplicialLLT< Eigen::SparseMatrix, Eigen::Lower, Eigen::NaturalOrdering > [Omegas.size()]; // for (int iw=0; iw(); // jsw_timer timer; // timer.begin(); // /* Complex system */ // std::cout << "CSymSimplicialLLT pattern analyzing C_" << iw << ","; // std::cout.flush(); // CSolver[iw].analyzePattern( Csym ); // std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // /* factorize */ // timer.begin(); // std::cout << "CSymSimplicialLLT factorising C_" << iw << ", "; // std::cout.flush(); // CSolver[iw].factorize( Csym ); // std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // } // } // // template<> // void EMSchur3D< Eigen::CSymSimplicialLLT< Eigen::SparseMatrix, Eigen::Lower, Eigen::AMDOrdering > > ::BuildCDirectSolver() { // CSolver = new Eigen::CSymSimplicialLLT< Eigen::SparseMatrix, Eigen::Lower, Eigen::AMDOrdering > [Omegas.size()]; // for (int iw=0; iw(); // jsw_timer timer; // timer.begin(); // /* Complex system */ // std::cout << "CSymSimplicialLLT pattern analyzing C_" << iw << ","; // std::cout.flush(); // CSolver[iw].analyzePattern( Cvec[iw] ); // std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // /* factorize */ // timer.begin(); // std::cout << "CSymSimplicialLLT factorising C_" << iw << ", "; // std::cout.flush(); // CSolver[iw].factorize( Cvec[iw] ); // std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // } // } // // template<> // void EMSchur3D< Eigen::CSymSimplicialLDLT< Eigen::SparseMatrix, Eigen::Lower, Eigen::AMDOrdering > > ::BuildCDirectSolver() { // CSolver = new Eigen::CSymSimplicialLDLT< Eigen::SparseMatrix, Eigen::Lower, Eigen::AMDOrdering > [Omegas.size()]; // for (int iw=0; iw(); // jsw_timer timer; // timer.begin(); // /* Complex system */ // std::cout << "CSymSimplicialLDLT pattern analyzing C_" << iw << ","; // std::cout.flush(); // CSolver[iw].analyzePattern( Csym ); // std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // /* factorize */ // timer.begin(); // std::cout << "CSymSimplicialLDLT factorising C_" << iw << ", "; // std::cout.flush(); // CSolver[iw].factorize( Csym ); // std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // } // } template<> void EMSchur3D< Eigen::BiCGSTAB, Eigen::IncompleteLUT > > ::BuildCDirectSolver() { CSolver = new Eigen::BiCGSTAB, Eigen::IncompleteLUT > [Omegas.size()]; for (int iw=0; iw(); CSolver[iw].preconditioner().setDroptol(1e-6); //1e-5); // 1e-12 CSolver[iw].preconditioner().setFillfactor(5e1); // 1e2 jsw_timer timer; timer.begin(); /* Complex system */ std::cout << "BiCGSTAB(ILU) pattern analyzing C_" << iw << ","; std::cout.flush(); CSolver[iw].analyzePattern( Csym ); //CSolver[iw].analyzePattern( Cvec[iw]); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; /* factorize */ timer.begin(); std::cout << "BiCGSTAB(ILU) factorising C_" << iw << ", "; std::cout.flush(); CSolver[iw].factorize( Csym ); //CSolver[iw].factorize( Cvec[iw] ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; } } template<> void EMSchur3D< Eigen::BiCGSTAB< Eigen::SparseMatrix > > ::BuildCDirectSolver() { CSolver = new Eigen::BiCGSTAB< Eigen::SparseMatrix > [Omegas.size()]; for (int iw=0; iw(); jsw_timer timer; timer.begin(); /* Complex system */ std::cout << "BiCGSTAB pattern analyzing C_" << iw << ","; std::cout.flush(); CSolver[iw].analyzePattern( Csym ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // factorize timer.begin(); std::cout << "BiCGSTAB factorising C_" << iw << ", "; std::cout.flush(); CSolver[iw].factorize( Csym ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; } } template<> void EMSchur3D< Eigen::LeastSquaresConjugateGradient< Eigen::SparseMatrix > > ::BuildCDirectSolver() { CSolver = new Eigen::LeastSquaresConjugateGradient< Eigen::SparseMatrix > [Omegas.size()]; for (int iw=0; iw(); jsw_timer timer; timer.begin(); /* Complex system */ std::cout << "LeastSquaresConjugateGradient pattern analyzing C_" << iw << ","; std::cout.flush(); CSolver[iw].analyzePattern( Csym ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // factorize timer.begin(); std::cout << "LeastSquaresConjugateGradient factorising C_" << iw << ", "; std::cout.flush(); CSolver[iw].factorize( Csym ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; } } template<> void EMSchur3D< Eigen::ConjugateGradient, Eigen::Lower > > ::BuildCDirectSolver() { CSolver = new Eigen::ConjugateGradient, Eigen::Lower > [Omegas.size()]; for (int iw=0; iw(); jsw_timer timer; timer.begin(); /* Complex system */ std::cout << "ConjugateGradient pattern analyzing C_" << iw << ","; std::cout.flush(); CSolver[iw].analyzePattern( Cvec[iw] ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // factorize timer.begin(); std::cout << "ConjugateGradient factorising C_" << iw << ", "; std::cout.flush(); CSolver[iw].factorize( Cvec[iw] ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; } } template<> void EMSchur3D< Eigen::ConjugateGradient, Eigen::Lower, Eigen::IncompleteCholesky > > ::BuildCDirectSolver() { CSolver = new Eigen::ConjugateGradient, Eigen::Lower, Eigen::IncompleteCholesky > [Omegas.size()]; for (int iw=0; iw(); jsw_timer timer; timer.begin(); /* Complex system */ std::cout << "ConjugateGradient pattern analyzing C_" << iw << ","; std::cout.flush(); CSolver[iw].analyzePattern( Cvec[iw] ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // factorize timer.begin(); std::cout << "ConjugateGradient factorising C_" << iw << ", "; std::cout.flush(); CSolver[iw].factorize( Cvec[iw] ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; } } // template<> // void EMSchur3D< Eigen::PastixLLT, Eigen::Lower > > ::BuildCDirectSolver() { // CSolver = new Eigen::PastixLLT, Eigen::Lower > [Omegas.size()]; // //MPI_Init(NULL, NULL); // for (int iw=0; iw(); // jsw_timer timer; // timer.begin(); // /* Complex system */ // std::cout << "PaStiX LLT pattern analyzing C_" << iw << ","; // std::cout.flush(); // CSolver[iw].analyzePattern( Cvec[iw] ); // std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // // factorize // timer.begin(); // std::cout << "PaStiX LLT factorising C_" << iw << ", "; // std::cout.flush(); // CSolver[iw].factorize( Cvec[iw] ); // std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // } // } // // template<> // void EMSchur3D< Eigen::PastixLDLT, Eigen::Lower > > ::BuildCDirectSolver() { // CSolver = new Eigen::PastixLDLT, Eigen::Lower > [Omegas.size()]; // //MPI_Init(NULL, NULL); // for (int iw=0; iw(); // jsw_timer timer; // timer.begin(); // /* Complex system */ // std::cout << "PaStiX LDLT pattern analyzing C_" << iw << ","; // std::cout.flush(); // CSolver[iw].analyzePattern( Cvec[iw] ); // std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // // factorize // timer.begin(); // std::cout << "PaStiX LDLT factorising C_" << iw << ", "; // std::cout.flush(); // CSolver[iw].factorize( Cvec[iw] ); // std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // std::cout << "INFO " << CSolver[iw].info( ) << std::endl; // } // } // #ifdef HAVE_PASTIX template<> void EMSchur3D< Eigen::PastixLU, true > > ::BuildCDirectSolver() { CSolver = new Eigen::PastixLU, true > [Omegas.size()]; for (int iw=0; iw() ); //CSolver[iw].analyzePattern( Cvec[iw] ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; // factorize timer.begin(); std::cout << "PastixLU factorising C_" << iw << ", "; std::cout.flush(); CSolver[iw].factorize( Cvec[iw].selfadjointView< Eigen::Lower>() ); //CSolver[iw].factorize( Cvec[iw] ); std::cout << " done in " << timer.end() / 60. << " [m]" << std::endl; } } #endif } // ----- end of Lemma name ----- #endif // ----- #ifndef EMSCHUR3D_INC -----