from plotdata import * if __name__ == "__main__": print sys.argv colour = ['blue','red','green'] ic = 0 #plt.figure(2) #axmine = plt.gca() #axmine2 = plt.twinx() for f in sys.argv[1::]: ORS = ORSProc(f) ORS.WindowAndStack() ORS.T2EnvelopeDetect() #mono, rfit, [a0,b0,mt2] = ORS.MonoFit() #env, mod, Time = ORS.DistFit( a0 ) #env, mod, Time = ORS.DistFit( ) # Subtract DC term before 2D fit? Kind of kludgy but I don't see a way around it right now. plt.figure(1) print ORS.T2T, ORS.T2D plt.plot((1e-6*ORS.T2T**3), np.log(np.imag(ORS.T2D)), 'o', markersize=8) #plt.plot(ORS.T2T, np.real(ORS.T2D)) #plt.plot(ORS.T2T, mono, '--',label=rfit, color=colour[ic]) #plt.plot(ORS.T2T, a0+env, '-+', color=colour[ic], label='dist') #plt.plot(ORS.T2T, env, '-+',color=colour[ic], label='dist') #plt.legend() #guess = np.zeros( len(Time.T2Bins ) ) #total = np.zeros( len(Time.T2Bins ) ) #ib = 0 #for bins in Time.T2Bins: # if bins > mt2: # guess[ib] = a0 + b0 # total[ib] = np.sum( mod ) # TODO find log norm and plot there instead! # break # ib += 1 #LogMeanT2 = numpy.exp(numpy.sum(PWC*numpy.log(T2BINS), axis=1) / theta ) #theta = np.sum(mod) #LogMeanT2 = np.exp(np.sum( mod * np.log(Time.T2Bins) ) / theta ) #plt.figure(2) #axmine.plot(Time.T2Bins, mod, linewidth=2, label=f, color=colour[ic]) #axmine2.plot(Time.T2Bins, guess, '--',color=colour[ic], linewidth=2, label="guess") #axmine2.plot(mt2, a0+b0, 'o',color=colour[ic], markersize=8, label="guess") #axmine2.plot(Time.T2Bins, guess, '-',color=colour[ic], linewidth=2, label="total") #axmine2.plot(LogMeanT2, theta, 's',color=colour[ic], markersize=8, label="total") ic += 1 #axmine2.set_ylim([0, axmine2.get_ylim()[1]]) #leg = axmine2.legend(numpoints=1) plt.xlabel(r"$\tau_e^2$ [s]", color='black', fontsize=16) #plt.ylabel(r"$T_2$ [s]", color='black') plt.ylabel(r"signal [rku]", color='black', fontsize=16) #axmine.set_ylabel(r"$A_0$ [i]", color='black') #plt.figure(1) #plt.savefig(sys.argv[1].strip(".ors")+"_comp1DT2.pdf", facecolor='white', edgecolor='white', dpi=200) #plt.figure(2) #plt.savefig(sys.argv[1].strip(".ors")+"_comp2DT2.pdf", facecolor='white', edgecolor='white', dpi=200) plt.savefig("hahn.pdf") exit()