# ################################################################################# # # GJI final pub specs # # import matplotlib # # from matplotlib import rc # # matplotlib.rcParams['text.latex.preamble']=[r"\usepackage{timet,amsmath}"] # # rc('font',**{'family':'serif','serif':['timet']}) # # rc('font',**{'size':8}) # # rc('text', usetex=True) # # # converts pc that GJI is defined in to inches # # # In GJI \textwidth = 42pc # # # \columnwidth = 20pc # # def pc2in(pc): # # return pc*12/72.27 # # ################################################################################# #from GJIPlot import * import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #from invertColours import * from akvo.tressel.decay import * from scipy import signal def quadrature(T, vL, wL, dt, xn, DT, t): # decimate # blind decimation # 1 instead of T irsamp = int(T) * int( (1./vL) / dt) # real iisamp = int( ((1./vL)/ dt) * ( .5*np.pi / (2.*np.pi) ) ) # imaginary dsamp = int( DT / dt) # real iisamp += dsamp ############################################################ # simple quadrature-detection via sampling xr = xn[dsamp::irsamp] xi = xn[iisamp::irsamp] phase = np.angle( xr + 1j*xi ) abse = np.abs( xr + 1j*xi ) # times #ta = np.arange(0, TT, dt) #te = np.arange(DT, TT, TT/len(abse)) ############################################################# # hilbert transform ht = signal.hilbert(xn) #, 100)) he = np.abs(ht) #, 100)) hp = ((np.angle(ht[dsamp::irsamp]))) ############################################################# # Resample ht #htd = signal.decimate(he, 100, ftype='fir') #td = signal.decimate(t, 100, ftype='fir') #[htd, td] = signal.resample(he, 21, t) #toss first, and use every third #htd = htd[1::3] #td = td[1::3] ############################################################# # Pre-envelope #gplus = xn + 1j*ht ############################################################# # Complex envelope #gc = gplus / np.exp(1j*wL*t) ############################################################# ## Design a low-pass filter FS = 1./dt # sampling rate FC = 10.05/(0.5*FS) # cutoff frequency at 0.05 Hz N = 11 # number of filter taps a = [1] # filter denominator b = signal.firwin(N, cutoff=FC, window='hamming') # filter numerator ############################################################# ## In-phase #2*np.cos(wL*t) dw = 0 # -2.*np.pi*2 Q = signal.filtfilt(b, a, xn*2*np.cos((wL+dw)*t)) # X I = signal.filtfilt(b, a, xn*2*np.sin((wL+dw)*t)) # Y ############################################### # Plots #plt.plot(ht.real) #plt.plot(ht.imag) #plt.plot(np.abs(ht)) #plt.plot(gc.real) #plt.plot(gc.imag) #plt.plot(xn) #plt.plot(xn) #plt.plot(ta, xn) #plt.plot(te, abse, '-.', linewidth=2, markersize=10) #plt.plot(ta, he, '.', markersize=10 ) #plt.plot(td, htd, color='green', linewidth=2) # Phase Plots #ax2 = plt.twinx() #ax2.plot(te, hp, '.', markersize=10, color='green' ) #ax2.plot(te, phase, '-.', linewidth=2, markersize=10, color='green') return Q[N:-N], I[N:-N], t[N:-N] # ##################################################################### # # regress raw signal # # #[peaks, times, ind] = peakPicker(xn, wL, dt) # #[a0,b0,rt20] = regressCurve(peaks, times) #,sigma2=1,intercept=True): # # dsamp = int( DT / dt) # real # # regress analytic signal # [a0,b0,rt20] = regressCurve(he[dsamp::], t[dsamp::], intercept=True) #,sigma2=1,intercept=True): # #[b0,rt20] = regressCurve(he[dsamp::], t[dsamp::], intercept=False) #,sigma2=1,intercept=True): # #[a0,b0,rt20] = regressCurve(he, t) #,sigma2=1,intercept=True): # # # regress downsampled # [a,b,rt2] = regressCurve(abse, t[dsamp::irsamp], intercept=True) #,sigma2=1,intercept=True): # #[b,rt2] = regressCurve(htd, td, intercept=False) #,sigma2=1,intercept=True): # # return irsamp, iisamp, htd, b0, rt20, ta, b, rt2, phase, td, he, dsamp # #return irsamp, iisamp, abse, a0, b0, rt20, times, a, b, rt2, phase def RotateAmplitude(X, Y, zeta, df, t): V = X + 1j*Y return np.abs(V) * np.exp( 1j * ( np.angle(V) - zeta - 2.*np.pi*df*t ) ) #return np.abs(V) * np.exp( 1j * ( np.angle(V) - zeta - df*t ) ) def bootstrapWindows(N, nboot, isum, adapt=False): """ Bootstraps noise as a function of gate width N = input noise signal nboot = number of boostrap windows to perform isum = length of windows (L_i) adapt = reduce nboot as window size increases """ nc = np.shape(N)[0] Means = {} if adapt: Means = -9999*np.ones((len(isum), nboot//isum[0])) # dummy value for ii, nwin in enumerate(isum): for iboot in range(nboot//isum[ii]): cs = np.random.randint(0,nc-nwin) Means[ii,iboot] = np.mean( N[cs:cs+nwin] ) Means = np.ma.masked_less(Means, -9995) else: Means = np.zeros((len(isum), nboot)) for ii, nwin in enumerate(isum): for iboot in range(nboot): cs = np.random.randint(0,nc-nwin) Means[ii,iboot] = np.mean( N[cs:cs+nwin] ) return Means, np.array(isum) def gateIntegrate(T2D, T2T, gpd, sigma, stackEfficiency=2.): """ Gate integrate the signal to gpd, gates per decade T2D = the time series to gate integrate, complex T2T = the abscissa values gpd = gates per decade sigma = estimate of standard deviation for theoretical gate noise stackEfficiency = exponential in theoretical gate noise, 2 represents ideal stacking """ # use artificial time gates so that early times are fully captured T2T0 = T2T[0] T2TD = T2T[0] - (T2T[1]-T2T[0]) T2T -= T2TD ##################################### # calculate total number of decades # # windows edges are approximate until binning but will be adjusted to reflect data timing, this # primarily impacts bins with a few samples nd = np.log10(T2T[-1]/T2T[0]) tdd = np.logspace( np.log10(T2T[0]), np.log10(T2T[-1]), (int)(gpd*nd)+1, base=10, endpoint=True) tdl = tdd[0:-1] # approximate window left edges tdr = tdd[1::] # approximate window right edges td = (tdl+tdr) / 2. # approximate window centres Vars = np.zeros( len(td) ) htd = np.zeros( len(td), dtype=complex ) isum = np.zeros( len(td), dtype=int ) ii = 0 for itd in range(len(T2T)): if ( round(T2T[itd], 4) > round(tdr[ii], 4) ): ii += 1 # correct window edges to centre about data tdr[ii-1] = (T2T[itd-1]+T2T[itd])*.5 tdl[ii ] = (T2T[itd-1]+T2T[itd])*.5 isum[ii] += 1 htd[ii] += T2D[ itd ] Vars[ii] += sigma**2 td = (tdl+tdr) / 2. # actual window centres sigma2 = np.sqrt( Vars * ((1/(isum))**stackEfficiency) ) # Reset abscissa where isum == 1 # when there is no windowing going on td[isum==1] = T2T[0:len(td)][isum==1] tdd = np.append(tdl, tdr[-1]) htd /= isum # average T2T += T2TD return td+T2TD, htd, tdd+T2TD, sigma2, isum # centre abscissa, data, window edges, error if __name__ == "__main__": dt = 1e-4 TT = 1.5 t = np.arange(0, TT, dt) vL = 2057. wL = 2.*np.pi*vL wL2 = 2.*np.pi*(vL-2.5) #-2) #-2.2) # 3 Hz off zeta = -np.pi/6. #4.234 t2 = .150 xs = np.exp(-t/t2) * np.cos(wL2*t + zeta) xe = np.exp(-t/t2) xn = xs + np.random.normal(0,.1,len(xs))# + (np.sign(xs) # np.random.random_integers(-1,1,len(xs))*0.6*np.random.lognormal(0, .35, len(xs)) + \ # np.random.random_integers(-1,1,len(xs))*.004*np.random.weibull(.25, len(xs)), 60))) # quadrature detection downsampling T = 50 # sampling period, grab every T'th oscilation DT = .002 #85 # dead time ms #[irsamp, iisamp, abse, b0, rt20, times, b, rt2, phase, tdec, he, dsamp] = quadDetect(T, vL, wL, dt, xn, DT) [Q, I, tt] = quadrature(T, vL, wL, dt, xn, DT, t) [E0,df,phi,T2] = quadratureDetect(Q, I, tt) print("df", df) D = RotateAmplitude(I, Q, phi, df, tt) fig = plt.figure(figsize=[pc2in(20), pc2in(14)]) # ax1 = fig.add_axes([.125,.2,.8,.7]) #ax1.plot(tt*1e3, np.exp(-tt/t2), linewidth=2, color='black', label="actual") ax1.plot(tt*1e3, D.imag, label="CA", color='red') ax1.plot(t*1e3, xn, color='blue', alpha=.25) ax1.plot(tt*1e3, I, label="inphase", color='blue') ax1.plot(tt*1e3, Q, label="quadrature", color='green') #ax1.plot(tt*1e3, np.angle( Q + 1j*I), label="angle", color='purple') GT, GD = gateIntegrate( D.imag, tt, 10 ) GT, GDR = gateIntegrate( D.real, tt, 10 ) GT, GQ = gateIntegrate( Q, tt, 10 ) GT, GI = gateIntegrate( I, tt, 10 ) #ax1.plot(tt*1e3, np.arctan( Q/I), label="angle", color='purple') #ax1.plot(GT*1e3, np.real(GD), 'o', label="GATE", color='purple') #ax1.plot(GT*1e3, np.real(GDR), 'o', label="GATE Real", color='red') #ax1.plot(GT*1e3, np.arctan( np.real(GQ)/np.real(GI)), 'o',label="GATE ANGLE", color='magenta') ax1.set_xlabel(r"time [ms]") ax1.set_ylim( [-1.25,1.65] ) #light_grey = np.array([float(248)/float(255)]*3) legend = plt.legend( frameon=True, scatterpoints=1, numpoints=1, labelspacing=0.2 ) #rect = legend.get_frame() fixLeg(legend) #rect.set_color('None') #rect.set_facecolor(light_grey) #rect.set_linewidth(0.0) #rect.set_alpha(0.5) # Remove top and right axes lines ("spines") spines_to_remove = ['top', 'right'] for spine in spines_to_remove: ax1.spines[spine].set_visible(False) #ax1.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none') #ax1.yaxis.set_ticks_position('none') ax1.get_xaxis().tick_bottom() ax1.get_yaxis().tick_left() plt.savefig('rotatetime.pdf',dpi=600) plt.savefig('rotatetime.eps',dpi=600) # phase part plt.figure() plt.plot( tt*1e3, D.real, label="CA", color='red' ) plt.show() exit()